Accessing Council Information

Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act)

The aim of the GIPA Act is to provide an open, accountable, fair and effective government. This means that government agencies in NSW are being required to make more information freely available and more processes and documents of Government will be available following an application process.

The GIPA Act applies to all NSW government agencies, including local councils. It requires proactive information disclosure through mandatory publication and authorised release of open 'access information’. The Act also provides for disclosure in response to informal requests and a revised system of response to formal access applications.

Council’s Agency Information Guide allows the public to identify and access government information held by the Council. It contains information about the structure of Council, the functions we are responsible for and how to access the information we hold. You can find Council’s Agency Information Guide here.

There are four ways to access Council information:

Mandatory Release

You can search our website. Certain information must be disclosed on Council's website, free of charge. This includes our policy documents, current publication guide, disclosure log and register of government contracts.

You can review our Policy Register for all Council Policies.
You can review GIPA Act Current Contracts awarded valued at or worth more than $150,000. 

Click here to review historic contracts 

You can review the Plans of Management for Community Land - Natural Areas and Plans of Management for Community Land - Parks Sportsground General Community Use

Annual Written Returns for Councillors and Designated Persons

Pursuant to Part 4 of Council’s Code of Conduct, Councillors and designated persons must make a written annual declaration to the General Manager within three months after:

  • becoming a Councillor or designated person; and
  • 30 June of each year; and
  • the Councillor or designated person becoming aware of an interest they are required to disclose that has not been previously disclosed.

The individuals who hold the following positions during the relevant year are deemed to be designated persons:

The annual returns are tabled at the Ordinary Council Meeting held in October.  In accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act), the annual returns are made publicly available on Council’s website.  Personal information has been redacted from the returns in accordance with the GIPA Act. 

You can access a copy of the current annual return lodged by each Councillor and designated person on this webpage.  If you would like to view annual returns lodged in previous years, please contact Council at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and mark your request for the attention of the General Manager.

Adriana Pippos
Andrew Probert
Brooke Sauer
Greg Smith
Kelly James
Lisa Orchin
Mark Johnson
Mekayla Cochrane
Michael Montgomery
Murray Hartin
Susannah Pearse

Proactive Release

You can ask us what information we will make available to the public, in addition to the information contained on our website. We are encouraged to release as much government information as possible, in an appropriate way and free of charge (or at the lowest reasonable cost).

Informal Request

You can ask for specific information by contacting Council's Customer Service Team on (02) 6757 3222. We are encouraged to release information without the need for a formal access application.
Informal GIPA Application

Formal Application:

If you can’t otherwise access your required information, a formal access application under the GIPA Act may be necessary. This might, for example, be needed for large volumes of information that involve extensive searches of Council records or information in relation to third parties which must be consulted prior to release.

As set out in Council’s fees and charges, an application fee applies as well as processing charges.
GIPA Act 2009 – Formal Access Application Form

Contact Council’s Executive Office on 02 6757 3222 for further information.