BPOINT® Payment

Moree Plains Shire Council introduces BPOINT® a safe, secure and convenient way to pay your rates and water bills to Council.

Teaming up with Commonwealth Bank of Australia, BPOINT® allows customers full control to nominate what day their payment will be deducted from their bank account, how much and the frequency in which their account will be deducted (ie, weekly, fortnightly, monthly).

BPOINT® also allows ratepayers to use their credit card to make a payment to Moree Plains Shire Council.


Registering for BPOINT®

You must register first to use BPOINT®, don't worry it is quick and simple!



Make a BPOINT® payment

 Make a ONE-OFF payment to Moree Plains Shire Council
When making your payment be sure to select if the payment is for 'water or rates' from the dropdown.

Want to set up regular payments?
Complete the Direct Debit form and submit it back to Council. 

® Registered to Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124.