Gwydir Day Care & Preschool

Day Care & Preschool

Gwydir Day Care and Preschool has four rooms with the children divided into groups based on their age/stage/development.

Gumnut Room

Children in the Gumnut room are aged 8 weeks to 24 months. The room is divided into two smaller groups to allow for more individualised care. The groups are made up of non-walkers (children under 12 months) and confident walkers (mostly children over 12 months up to 24 months). There are four early childhood trained educators in the room with a maximum of 16 children.

Sundew Room

The Sundew room caters for children aged 24 months to 36 months. Children move up to the next group when they are considered ready. Three early childhood educators care for a maximum of 15 children each day.

Wattle Room

The first of the preschool age groups is known as the Wattle room. Children aged over 36 months and who are toilet trained are able to start in this room. There are a maximum of 20 children each day with two early childhood educators.

Preschool Room

The Preschool Room caters primarily to children preparing for school in the next year. The room runs a school readiness /preschool program within the long day care hours. Following the Centre’s play-based learning philosophy; children participate in activities based on their skills and interests that prepare them for ‘big school’.


We also have several casual staff who cover the permanent staff whilst they are on leave. These staff all have a minimum Certificate III in ECEC.

All educators at Gwydir Day Care and Preschool are required to have a current first aid certificate which includes training in Asthma and Anaphylaxis Management.


To enrol your child, please complete the waitlist 


Gwydir Day Care & Preschool

Gwydir Day Care and Preschool is owned and managed by Moree Plains Shire Council. The centre was established in 1985 and was originally located in Adelaide Street under the name Gayngil. It was relocated to the current premises in July 1998. We cater primarily to working parents but also accept children from non-working families when there are vacancies. Children with additional needs are also catered for.
Meeting Quality Standards

Fees and Charges

Meeting National Quality Standard (NQS)

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Gwydir Day Care & Preschool
8 Orana Ave
telephone (02) 6757 3399 
 fax (02) 6751 1101