Parks in Moree Plains Shire


Apex Park

Apex Park is popular with locals and buzzes with children climbing, sliding and having lots of fun on weekends and after school. The playground was specifically designed to provide activities for the adjoining neighbourhood and schools.
Lots of parents take advantage of the location on the corner Gwydir and Edward Streets to have a snack and a play after school. The play equipment includes a flying fox, a spring rider, swings, climbers and a mini rock wall.
There is also a double slide so children can race each other down the slides. Wood-shaving soft fall protects the children from injury. The entire playground is covered with a shade structure to shield children from the sun as they play.
The large flat grassed area beside the playground is perfect for party games and children’s activities. Trees provide shade and opportunities for hide-and-seek.

Corner Edward and Gwydir Street
Apex Park Moree

Kirby Park - Home of the Big Rocket

Kirkby Park “Home of the Big Rocket” is within walking distance of the CBD. The park contains a 14 metre rocket and a “space” themed command centre playground, and Liberty swing set.

The “Big Rocket”, as it is called is fast becoming a popular tourist attraction and draws travellers and families from across Australia.

The families who trek round the country visiting “big” icons such as the ‘Big Banana’ during the school holidays can now add Moree’s “Big Rocket” to their destination list. The Rocket was custom designed for Moree. 

It was launched in 2009 to coincide with the International Year of Astronomy and the 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landing. The original rocket, an icon from the 1970s, is dwarfed by the Big Rocket, but stands as a sentry and a reminder of a bygone era.  Like many rockets from the 70s, it has been sealed as it is considered too unsafe for children’s play.

LOCATION: Junction of Balo and Frome Streets, near Doctor Hunter Bridge and Woolworths.

Kirby Park Moree

Moree Skate Park/ Lloyd Oval

Moree’s Skate Park is centrally located just south of Woolworths. It is designed for skate and BMX users and caters for all ability levels.

The Skate Park is a popular recreational and social facility for keen skaters of all ages and is used on a daily basis. A number of skate competitions are held for users throughout the year. The equipment includes a permanent concrete small bowl with flat banks, corner bowl, ramps and grind rails on a concrete surface.

People using the Skate Park must wear Australian Standards helmets and safety gear. To the west of the Skate Park is the open space area known as Lloyd Oval. 

A tree-lined pathway meanders its way from the Edward Street bridge, through Lloyd Oval and underneath the main town bridge linking Skate Park with Kirkby Park. 

LOCATION: Balo Street, south of Woolworths

Skate Park Moree

Jellicoe Park

An idyllic spot for a walk or picnic, Jellicoe Park is the venue for various community events throughout the year including the monthly markets (first Sunday of the month, except January).

The rose garden, which features a covered pergola area and a variety of trees and natural landscapes contribute to the park’s popularity as a location for wedding photos and naming ceremonies. It’s a short walk from the park to the fish ladder and weir, which is located on the north-western side of the park.

A shaded pathway underneath the main bridge links Jellicoe Park with the Tourist Information Centre.

LOCATION:  Corner Alice and Warialda Streets

Jellicoe Park Moree

Jacaranda Park

Jacaranda Park is located in Amaroo (south of the stock route). With its open grassed lawn and shady trees, the park provides opportunities for exercise and energetic activities.

The neighbourhood playground, which is located on the eastern side of the park, includes a flying fox, spring rider, swings, climbers and monkey bars surrounded by wood-shaving soft fall, and a fully covered shade structure.

The large green space adjacent the playground is used extensively. On weekends, people can be seen walking the family dog, playing backyard cricket or kicking the football around the park with the kids.

Dog owners are reminded that Jacaranda Park is a shared area; dogs should remain on their leashes with dog fowling disposed of appropriately.

LOCATION: Jacaranda Drive and Shaftsbury Avenue in Amaroo 

Jacaranda Park Moree

Cooee Park

Moree’s newest park is still undergoing redevelopment (Sept 2017) but it is open to the public.  The park includes with paths, benches, balance beams, football posts, a barbeque and an Indigenous inspired mosaic artwork created by the community.

LOCATION:  Between Jones Ave and Cooee St in South Moree

Cooee Park Moree