Access to the Moree Water Park

The Moree Water Park was constructed by Moree Plains Shire Council for community water-based recreational and sports activities. The family friendly facility will cater for an array of water based activities such as water skiing, rowing, dragon boat racing, jet skiing, wakeboard, canoeing and kayaking, along with a range of proposed shore-based facilities such as vehicle and vehicle/trailer parking areas, amenities, clubhouse, viewing areas and landscaping.

Environmental issues relating to the disposal of spent artesian water from Moree’s world renowned artesian water industry into the Mehi River were raised by the New South Wales Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA required that discharging of spent artesian water into the Mehi River was to cease due to above acceptable levels of water quality added to the river. The EPA required an alternative disposal option to be adopted.

The Moree Water Ski Club approached Council with a suggestion that the proposed water storage ponds be constructed as lakes to facilitate beneficial reuse of the spent artesian water and provide for water-based recreational and sporting activities.

Having undertaken a risk assessment on the lakes, there will be controlled use of the facility by Moree Ski Club members and the Boat Permit holders (and guests). For the summer of 2016-17 there is a locked gate policy, and for the summer of 2017-18 a proposed closed not locked gate policy. During this time, we will acquire a better understanding of the potential risks that may occur through proper and improper use of the Park.

The future development, maintenance and operations of the Moree Water Park will be undertaken by the community in collaboration with the Moree Water Ski Club with little or no additional cost to ratepayers.

To find out more about the Moree Water Park, contact the Moree Water Ski Club at the following web sites – or

If you are ready to get on the water this weekend, the Tareelaroi weir east of Moree and Mary Brand Park are good options for casual day use.