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Is your house in a flood area?

Applications for the voluntary house raising scheme now open

The Voluntary House Raising Scheme has a round of funding every two years.  The next round is 2020-2022 and Council is preparing an application to the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH). 

The scheme allows home owners to access grant funding, provided by OEH, through the Floodplain Management Program, to assist with raising the floor level of their dwelling to or above the Flood Planning Level.  This is a floor level height established by the State Government that applies to dwellings.  The level is set at the level of a flood with a 1% chance of occurring in any given year, plus a 500mm freeboard.  The grant funding is usually a 2:1 ratio; OEH pays two thirds and the owner pays 1 third.

To have your application put forward to OEH, you will need to provide with your application form an estimated cost of the works and completion date. This is to be received by Council before 24 April 2020..

If funding is approved by Office of Environment and Heritage (expected to be known by 1 December 2020) you will be required to provide the following documents prior to a formal offer being provided (approximately by March 2021):

  • Three quotes need to be obtained for the work as per Council’s Procurement Policy. You need to indicate your chosen contractor and your reason for choosing them if they are not the lowest quote.

Further information is available HERE. This fact sheet addresses questions on the timing of payments, how high your house can be raised, what costs are covered by the scheme and the like.

Please note that the number of dwellings able to be raised under the scheme in this round is dependent on the total number of applications made across the state, and each application requires OEH approval to go ahead. OEH approvals are expected to be received by Council by the end of December 2020. Those properties highest on the priority list will be given priority. Any properties that miss out, can apply for the next round.

For further information, contact Council’s Planning and Building Department on (02) 6757 3230.


