Inland Rail EIS On Display For Moree Plains Community

The next stage of the transformational Inland Rail project between Brisbane and Melbourne is underway with the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Narrabri to North Star section released for public display and comment.

Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor Katrina Humphries said the high-capacity freight rail line between Melbourne and Brisbane would benefit the State through improved reliability for freight transport, improved service standards and lower shipping costs.

The Narrabri to North Star section of the Inland Rail will involve upgrading approximately 188 kilometres of existing track, track formation, bridges and culverts, realignment of sections of the track and construction of five new passing loops within the existing rail corridor.

The Moree Plains community is encouraged to view the EIS which is on display as part of the planning approval process, at Moree Plains Shire Council’s customer service centre, the Moree Community Library and the Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre, which are all located in Balo Street, Moree.

Council’s Executive Projects Manager John Carleton explained that the EIS describes the project, the potential impacts and how Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and NSW Planning and Environmental Department propose to manage these impacts during construction of the Inland Railway between Narrabri and North Star.

“This is a great opportunity for the community to have a look at the project and make comment on the environmental assessment,” said Mr Carleton.

The EIS will be publicly exhibited from Wednesday 15 November 2017 until Friday 15 December 2017 at the following locations during opening hours:

  • Moree Plains Shire Council Administration Centre, Level 2, 30 Heber Street Moree
  • Moree Community Library, 36 Balo Street Moree
  • Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre, 38 Albert Street Moree

The ARTC / Inland Rail will be holding community Information Sessions at Balo Shopping Square, 85 Balo Street Moree as follows:

  • 9am - 12pm, Wednesday 22 November 2017
  • 3pm - 6pm, Tuesday 28 November 2017

The EIS is available on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment website

Information on the Inland Rail can also be found online through the ARTC website