Request for Tender – RFT19-08

Vendor Panel Reference – VP203320

Council Building and Amenity Cleaning Contract

Moree Plains Shire Council invites tenders from suitably qualified cleaning contractors to provide cleaning services tomultiple Council facilities in Moree and Mungindi for a term of 5 years from 1 January 2021.

Request for Tender – RFT19-08

Vendor Panel Reference – VP203320

Council Building and Amenity Cleaning Contract

Moree Plains Shire Council invites tenders from suitably qualified cleaning contractors to provide cleaning services tomultiple Council facilities in Moree and Mungindi for a term of 5 years from 1 January 2021. The tender allows fortenders to be lodged either for all buildings, only buildings in particular towns or buildings on an individual basis.

The contract includes provision of all labour, materials (not consumables) and plant to carry out the works specifiedat the designated Council facilities.

Full details are provided in the tender documents and associated documentation which will be available free of charge from Council's eTendering portal at the website 21 September 2020.

A pre-tender site meeting will be held at 10.00am on Wednesday 7 October 2020 on-site at Council’s offices at Level 2, Max Centre, 30 Heber Street, Moree. Please register your interest to attend in advance of this date to either of the Council contacts below.

All technical enquiries regarding this tender should be directed to the eTendering forum VP203320 on the vendorpanel website.

For any other enquiries, please contact either Angus Witherby or Tony Meppem on 02 6757 3222 or by email during normal office hours.

Tenders quoting the reference number RFT19-08 and addressed to the General Manager will be received up until closing time 2:00 pm on Monday 26 October 2020.

Tenders must be lodged through the NSW Government eTendering website

The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.