Introducing The New Local Connector for the Welcome Experience In Moree Plains 

The Welcome Experience is a step closer to being rolled out across the Moree Plains, with Fiona Kennedy starting as the new Local Connector.

Fiona Kennedy New Local Connector The Welcome Experience is a free concierge-style service to support essential workers and their families to feel more at home in their new community through personalised support, local information and connections.

Fiona brings a wealth of lived experience and knowledge about relocating to the Moree Plains and the local community. She has also been a positive advocate of living and working regionally through her previous work in Moree Plains Shire Council’s Regional Activation Unit.

“One of the amazing things about living in the Moree Plains is you really notice how one person can have so much impact in a small community,” said Ms Kennedy.

“Having a small family, I am acutely aware of the challenge in attracting and retaining our local doctors, nurses, teachers and childcare workers. I am looking forward to showing our newcomers what an amazing community we have in the Moree Plains.”

Fiona first came to the Moree Plains as a backpacker in 2012 and fell in love with the big skies and wide open spaces. Following a hiatus in the United Kingdom for a couple of years, Fiona and her partner have called Moree home since 2018.

“Moree provides us with meaningful career opportunities and direct connections to Sydney for easier international travel to visit my friends and family,” said Ms Kennedy.

Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty said The Welcome Experience pilot program has been a major success since it launched in June last year, supporting over 511 workers and their families to relocate to regional New South Wales.

“Moving to a new town can be daunting, but the feedback we receive from workers is that having a Local Connector like Fiona to offer a warm welcome and local advice, significantly increases their likelihood of staying and contributing to their community long term,” said Ms Moriarty. 

“We’ve had close to 1800 enquiries from a range of essential workers considering making the move, and this demand for tailored relocation support is one of the key reasons The Welcome Experience has been such a phenomenal success so far.”

“The NSW Government’s recent decision to expand the program to 52 Local Government Areas across the state reaffirms our commitment to regional communities by ensuring they receive the skilled and robust workforce they need.”

Fiona loves living in the Moree Plains with her family and enjoys being part of local committees and sporting groups. She also really enjoys the short work commute!

Consultation to shape The Welcome Experience for the Moree Plains will take place in September:



18 September 2024
Community drop-in session
Out the front of Mungindi Newsagency
176 St George St, Mungindi

24 September 2024, 8.30am – 12pm
Employer and community workshop
Country Universities Centre
21 Auburn St, Moree

Employers are invited to register for these workshops:

Moree Plains Shire Council
02 6757 3440
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Government and non-government workers in the following industries are eligible for The Welcome Experience:

  • Health
  • Aged Care
  • Education
  • Early Childhood
  • Disability Support
  • Child Protection and Out-of-home care
  • Corrections and Justice
  • Emergency services.

For more information about the program, visit:

 Photo - The new Local Connector, Fiona Kennedy