Community Engagement Strategy - Open for Comment

Draft Community Engagement Strategy

At its meeting of 31 October 2024, Council resolved to place the draft Community Engagement Strategy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

A copy of this strategy can be viewed by clicking on the name of the strategy listed above.

This Community Engagement Strategy has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. Specifically, this strategy meets requirements under section 402A which supports an integrated approach to community strategic planning and section 8A(3) which sets out the principles for local government.

Community engagement strategy (section 402A)
A council must establish and implement a strategy for engagement with the local community (called its Community Engagement Strategy) when developing its plans, policies and programs and for the purpose of determining its activities (other than routine administrative matters).

Community participation (section 8A(3)
Councils should actively engage with their local communities, through the use of the integrated planning and reporting framework and other measures.

For community engagement relating to Council’s planning functions under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (EPAA) 1979 (section 2.21 (2) and section 2.23 (2) of the EPAA, see Council’s Community Participation Plan.

Council’s draft Community Engagement Strategy is currently available for public comment. A hard copy of the Policy is available from Council’s customer service centre in Moree and the Moree Community Library.

Your feedback and comments are welcomed by 5pm Thursday 28 November and can be submitted to the General Manager, Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400. Comments can also be submitted to Council by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Further enquiries in relation to this Plan should be directed to the Integrated Planning and Reporting team on (02) 6757 3222.