Now Open in Moree Plains
COVID-20 Community Update 20
Consistent with the NSW Government’s Public Health Orders, COVID Safe Plans are being implemented by Moree Plains Shire Council in order to safety reopen various facilities throughout the Plains.
Details of the facilities which are now open are detailed below:
Now Open in Moree Plains
COVID-20 Community Update 20
Consistent with the NSW Government’s Public Health Orders, COVID Safe Plans are being implemented by Moree Plains Shire Council in order to safety reopen various facilities throughout the Plains.
Details of the facilities which are now open are detailed below:
OPEN Ovals for Community Sporting Groups
Under the NSW Government’s Public Health Order, a community sporting activity involving a gathering of more than 20 participants must develop and comply with a COVID Safe Plan. Many peak sporting associations have developed reopening frameworks to assist community sporting groups develop their COVID Safe Plan.
As such, all community sporting groups seeking to use a facility owned by Council for their sport must first develop a COVID Safe Plan and submit it to Council for approval. Once the COVID Safe Plan has been approved, that community sporting group will be permitted to use the facility in accordance with the Plan.
Please contact Council’s Engineering Services for requirements regarding bookings on 6757 3222.
OPEN Mungindi CTC (Open from 7 July 2020)
The Mungindi customer service and library will reopen this Tuesday 7 July.
Before visiting, residents should be mindful of the following:
- Business hours are Tuesday and Thursdays: 9am – 1pm and 1:30pm -4pm.
- All visitors must register their attendance at the front counter upon entry.
- A limited number of PCs will be available for 30min bookings per person/day.
- No face to face programs will be delivered.
- Returns are subject to a quarantine period of at least 24 hours.
- Social distancing floor stickers indicate a 1.5m distance for people queuing at service points.
- Call and collect and home delivery will continue to operate.
- Increased cleaning will be conducted by professional cleaners.
OPEN Public Toilets (from 24 June 2020)
All public toilets are now open across Moree Plains with increased cleaning and soap dispensers. Moree Plains Shire Council is working to ensure all public amenities are cleaned regularly and maintained to a high standard however residents and visitors alike are encouraged to exercise caution when using amenities and ensure they take responsibility for their personal hygiene.
Mungindi Pool (Open from 29 June 2020)
The Mungindi Pool will be open for public use from Monday 29 June operating under their usual winter season business hours. Before visiting the Mungindi pool patrons should be mindful of the following:
- All patrons must register their attendance upon entry, leaving their name and phone number for contract tracing purposes.
- A maximum of 5 patrons can access the facility at any time.
- Only 2 people may use the hot pool at any time.
- Change rooms and toilet facilities will be open however patrons are encouraged to shower and change at home.
- Entry is $3.00.
- Patrons are reminded to maintain social distancing measures at all times.
- Winter season business hours are Monday to Saturday: 7.30 am – 12.00 pm and Sunday: 2.00pm – 5.00pm.
Boomi Pool (Open from 29 June 2020)
The Boomi Pool will be open for public use from Monday 29 June operating under their usual winter season business hours. Before visiting the Boomi pool patrons should be mindful of the following:
- All patrons must register their attendance upon entry, leaving their name and phone number for contract tracing purposes.
- A maximum of 16 patrons can access the facility at any time.
- Only 6 people may use the hot pool at any time.
- Change rooms and toilet facilities will be open however patrons are encouraged to shower and change at home.
- Entry is $5.00 for adults and $4.00 for concession.
- Patrons are reminded to maintain social distancing measures at all times.
- Winter season business hours are Monday - Sunday: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm and 2.00pm – 5.00pm.
- A booking schedule will be trialled, please call (02) 6753 5336 between business hours to secure a time to visit.
OPEN Moree Community Library (open since 9 June 2020)
From Monday 6 July the Moree Community Library is extending business hours and reopening more areas of the building for members to enjoy. The updated opening conditions are listed below:
NEW à Business hours are Monday-Friday from 10am-5pm.
NEW à Both levels of the library are open for members to browse.
- Accessible toilets on the on the ground floor will be open, the rest will remain closed.
- A limit of 10 patrons are permitted in the building at any time.
- Members must register their attendance at the front counter upon entry.
- A limited number of PCs will be available for 30min bookings per Member/day.
- No face to face programs will be provided.
- Returns are subject to a quarantine period of at least 24 hours.
- Social distancing floor stickers indicate a 1.5m distance for people queuing at service points.
- Members are encouraged to use the self-service kiosk to borrow items and renew their loans.
- Call and collect and home delivery will continue to operate.
- Members are asked to continue to use the external chute for all return items.
- Increased cleaning will be conducted by professional cleaners at the library.
OPEN Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre (open since 22 June 2020)
The Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre is now open from Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm, all visitors must register their attendance providing their phone number and name upon entry for the purposes of contact tracing. Visitors should be mindful of the following:
- A limit of 10 patrons are permitted in the building at any time.
- Visitors are requested to use the hand sanitiser upon entry.
- Visitors should follow the arrows that direct the flow through the exhibitions, floor markings and signage have been installed to help visitors maintain safe distances.
- The Dhiiyaan library, archive and study room is closed to the public.
- Any documents requested from the archive room will be retrieved by staff only, staff require 5 days’ notice to retrieve materials to allow time to research.
- PCs are available to use for 30min bookings; sessions will commence from 10am with entry to the final session at 4pm.
- Groups of 10 will be by appointment only.
For more information, please call the Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre on 67521346.
Certain facilities at the MAAC are now open for public use. For more information please visit the MAAC’s Facebook page or website