Living the Moree Life

Moree Plains Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan

Our greatest asset in Moree is our wonderful people, who have great pride in this town and find it a rewarding place to live, work and play. Home to the Kamilaroi people, our region is made up of a diverse group of people, with 80 different nationalities all calling Moree home.

Take the time to meet some of our local characters and see what we’re all about:

Mungindi, Garah and Boomi





With plenty of warm, sunny weather on the cards, and most things within a five kilometre radius of the CBD, you can fit plenty of leisure activities into your day. Moree has great sporting clubs and facilities, a state-of-the-art aquatic complex, Water Ski Park, and plenty of brilliant natural waterways and open plains to keep you occupied. Take a look at the below video to see a little of what you can get up to:

Moree is also well resourced by medical and aged care facilities, with three Medical Centres, two pharmacies, dentists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, podiatrists, psychologists and optometrists in town. Our hospital provides a highly comprehensive range of services for a rural town, and benefits from strong links to supporting hospitals in Tamworth and Newcastle. Take a look at the below video for more information:

Moree is also a great place to give your kids the kind of idyllic country upbringing that many people dream of. Moree schools boast small class sizes, are very well resourced/ funded, and provide a wonderful, nurturing space for your child to grow and develop. Take a look at the below video to see how your child could benefit from Moree life:

Moree Plains Shire - A Great Place To Do Business

Moree Plains Shire has a vast number of unique strengths and provides great opportunities for businesses looking to expand, relocate, or start up a new business.

Some key strengths of our Shire:

  • Abundant natural resources of productive black soil and secure water which have made Moree Plains Shire one of the most productive agricultural areas in Australia
  • Located on a major inland transport route, linking Melbourne to Brisbane. Moree is also a vital part of the Inland Rail, which will greatly reduce freight costs from Moree to Brisbane/Sydney/Melbourne
  • Daily flights Moree to Sydney
  • Strong agriculture and associated industries, with great opportunities for the development of secondary/supporting industries
  • A strong economy with high Gross Regional Product (GRP) of $966 million (2022) 
  • Commercial development opportunities at the Moree Gateway  

Take a look at the below video to see why Moree is such a great place to do business:


Take a look at the below video for a snapshot into our thriving agriculture industry:

For more information on doing business in Moree and any economic development opportunities, please contact:

Moree Plains Shire Council
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(02) 6757 3222
Subscribe to our Business Burst newsletter 


Visit Moree

Come and visit Moree where you will discover a welcoming community with opportunities as vast as our horizon.
Experience our iconic artesian waters at our state of the art Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre, where you can swim and play, or rejuvenate and soak the day away at the day spa.

We are proud of our region’s indigenous heritage and any visit to Moree requires a stop at Café Gali, which employs all local Indigenous staff, and then through to its “Yaama Ganu” art gallery which is amongst the best indigenous art galleries in Australia. If art is your thing, then you will also be well served by The Moree Gallery, and Bank Art Musuem Moree (BAAM).

Take a tour around some of our local horticultural operators including the Trawalla Pecan Nut Farm (the largest in the southern hemisphere) or Gwydir Grove Olives, whose award-winning olive oil is a perfect souvenir for family and friends.

Enjoy the welcoming service and country hospitality at some of our many gift shops and boutiques, or take some time to visit Moree’s local beauty therapists, day spas and hair salons. Take a look at the below video for more information on retail and the arts in Moree:

For further information on visiting Moree, please visit the Moree Tourism website or call 02 6757 3350.