Voluntary House Raising Scheme

Under the NSW Floodplain Management Program the Office of Environment and Heritage provides funding to assist home owners raise the floor level of their house to reduce the damages and trauma caused by flood water inundating their house.

Home Owners can only access this funding through a Voluntary House Raising Scheme coordinated by Local Councils.

The first step of this scheme has been to adopt a policy to identify and prioritise dwellings with floor heights below the Flood Planning Level (0.5 metres above the 1% predicted flood level). Council’s adoption of the policy makes the funding pool accessible for Moree property owners. The scheme will provide for the voluntary raising of many flood-liable houses in the Moree and Environs area as identified in the Moree and Environs Voluntary House Raising Policy. The proposal is to assist property owners raise the floor level of houses to the ‘Flood Planning Level’.

Generally, funding accessed through the Voluntary House Raising Scheme, provided through the NSW Government Floodplain Management Program, provides funding on a 2:1 ratio, where property owners are able to make a claim following completion of specified stages of the works, as set out in the policy.

Council will advertise for applications to take part in the scheme each round (usually every 3 years).

Council will apply for funding through the NSW Floodplain Management Program each round and, if access to the funding pool is granted, will enter into an agreement with the home owners. As funding is limited, those dwellings higher on the priority list will be given priority over those lower on the list.

The first step for the home owner is to lodge an application with Council. The application form should be completed detailing contact details, address of property and whether you are in a position to take part (bearing in mind that you will have to contribute at least one third of the costs).

Frequently Asked Questions