Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Media Releases

Free Mulch 

Council has FREE mulch available this weekend. We have the loader ready to fill your ute, trailer, or small truck.

Come and collect your free mulch on Friday 14, Saturday 15 or Sunday 16 March 2025 from 1pm to 3pm.

Head out to the Moree Waste Management Facility on Evergreen Road, Moree, no bookings are required.

Organic Compost 

If you need rich organic compost processed from the Council’s green lidded bins (FOGO), made from garden waste and household food scraps, enquire when you are collecting your free mulch.

Organic compost is available for $27.50 per tonne (while stocks last).

Please follow the directions of the staff. All children and pets must remain in the vehicle at all times.



What’s your River Story?

River_Country_Exhibition_at_Broken_Hill_City_Art_Gallery_2024.jpgIndependent arts organisation The Cad Factory, the National Museum of Australia and environmental education non-profit Petaurus Education Group are delighted to announce that River Country is coming to Moree. River Country is an engaging series of events and experiences inviting New South Wales regional communities to explore cultural and creative connections with Murray-Darling rivers and wetlands.

Come along to the Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre from Wednesday 2 April to Saturday 5 April from 10am – 4pm to experience a unique pop-up exhibition where you can stroll amongst river red gums, float with pelicans and look for platypus and Murray cod. Add your own river story to the ‘wetland’! The exhibition is suitable for all ages and entry is free.

Created by S.A.Adair and Kirsten Wehner the exhibition features works by over 100 artists and students from across the Murray-Darling system. Free workshops led by artist-educator Samantha Davies from Petaurus Education Group and artist-curator Kirsten Wehner from the National Museum of Australia will invite local school students to contribute their stories to the exhibition’.

Kirsten Wehner, the James O Fairfax Senior Fellow in Culture and Environment at the National Museum of Australia says that, “The exhibition developed from a community day we held at the National Museum in Canberra in October 2023. It was a wonderful opportunity for people to explore all the different ways that our lives are intertwined with the extraordinary plants and animals along the beautiful Murray–Darling rivers and wetlands. It’s very exciting that this event has transformed into a stand-alone arts and culture program that has visited communities in the Riverina and Far West and is now travelling to northern New South Wales.”

A collection of free events accompanies the exhibition. All are welcome to join. 

On Thursday 3 April from 7pm – 9pm Yuwaalaraay/Gamilaroi artist Jason Wilson will lead a First Nations astronomy night. Meet at the Moree Visitor Information Centre and drive in convoy to a special location to hear Jason talk about the cultural, spiritual and daily significance of the night sky for First Nations people. 

On Friday 4 April from 5:45pm – 8pm there will be a free film screening and conversation evening. Featuring and produced in collaboration with Barkandji and Wiradjuri Elders and custodians, ‘More than a Fish Kill’ explores how artists, fisheries managers and First Nations custodians came together in the aftermath of devastating fish kills along the Barka (Darling River) to turn ecological disaster into cultural healing. Followed by a Q&A facilitated by Cad Factory Artistic Director Vic McEwan and featuring documentary executive producer Kirsten Wehner and Gomeroi traditional custodians Aunt Anna Duncan and Jason Wilson.

The tour culminates on Saturday 5 April from 9:30am – 12:30pm with a free Walk on Gomeroi Country with Aunt Anna Duncan. Meet at the Moree Visitor Information Centre for a short walk around the Mehi River before heading out to Dirrinaay (Terry Hie Hie) to explore various significant sites and stories. All ages welcome.

Aunt Anna Duncan reflected on the River Country events by saying,”This program is more than a showcase of creative work, it’s about connecting diverse communities, bringing us together to share, celebrate, and enrich one another. It emphasises the importance of First Nations and non-Indigenous peoples engaging in meaningful dialogue. Through knowledge, understanding and listening it promotes healing and envisions a future where we work together to share, celebrate and preserve cultural heritage in regards to Gunimaa - Mother Earth.”

For more information about River Country and to book your tickets, head to the Cad Factory’s website www.cadfactory.com.au.

River Country tour events are free thanks to the support of the NSW Government through Create NSW and the Department of Regional NSW. Additional support has been generously provided by the James Fairfax Foundation, the Sydney Environment Institute at the University of Sydney, Menindee Aboriginal Elders Council Otis Filley Studios, Macquarie University, University of Canberra, Arts North West, Moree Plains Shire Council and Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre. 

For more information or media interviews please contact: Sarah McEwan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0405 447 450



Moree Plains Senior Citizen of the Year 2025

Mayor_Susannah_Pearse_with_Moree_Plains_Shire_Senior_Citizen_Robert_Bartel_002.jpgThe Senior Citizens of the Moree Plains were celebrated today at the annual Senior Citizens luncheon at the Moree RSL, with Robert Bartel announced as Senior Citizen of the Year. 

At the event, Mayor, Cr Susannah Pearse acknowledged the significant contributions of senior citizens to our communities, "Our Senior Citizens have played pivotal roles in shaping our towns and villages over successive years. Many of the privileges and even basic services that our entire community gets to enjoy have been made possible due to their volunteerism and advocacy.

"We thank all nominees for Senior Citizen of the Year for their valued contributions to our community. 

"Congratulations to Robert Bartel, our Senior Citizen of the Year. Robert's unwavering dedication to the Moree Shire community is a remarkable testament to his selflessness and commitment to service”.

Mr Bartel has dedicated many years of service to the Moree Shire through various roles and volunteer work. He was an active member of the Moree Apex Club (1969–1985) and the Moree Lions Club (1986–2018), holding leadership positions and receiving prestigious awards.

He also volunteers at the Moreena Pensioner Units, Moree Historical Society, and Fairview/Whiddon, assisting with tasks and supporting the elderly. Robert is involved in the Moree Services Bowling Club, Croppa Creek Old Header Harvest Weekend and helps his neighbours with repairs and farm work. Additionally, he plays a key role in organising the Seniors Festival and Christmas Lunch. His contributions reflect a deep commitment to this community.

Council would like to congratulate the following nominees and thank them all for their unwavering contribution to the Plains, Colin Rice, Frank Crump, Marlene Howard, Robert Bartel and Denise Webb.

 The ‘Senior Citizen of the Year’ is presented annually as part of the NSW Seniors Festival. NSW Seniors Week celebrates the valuable contribution of our seniors to local communities.




Statement of Environmental Effects - Erection of a 30MW Solar Farm - 2276 Gwydir Highway MOREE 2400 - LOT 2 DP 773266 - PAN-508369

Moree  Plains  Shire  Council  is  currently  considering  an  application  from  The  Trustee  for  Hiringa Sundown  Project  Trust,  for  Erection  of  a  23MW  AC  Solar  and  Storage  Mini  Grid,  on  Gin  Cotton Wathagar 2276 Gwydir Highway MOREE, LOT: 2 DP: 773266.

The development application and accompanying documents may be inspected on the NSW Planning Portal  for a period of 14 days from the date of this notice. Any person may make a written submission in respect to the proposed development clearly stating

their name and address and should the submission be an objection, the grounds must be specified. Submissions must be made in writing to the General Manager and can be lodged electronically, by mail or fax before 5pm on Friday 28 March 2025.

Please note that submissions may be disclosed to Councillors, council officers, consultants to Council, or members of the public in accordance with Section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and names and addresses of persons making submissions may also be included in publicly available reports relating to the development application. Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Council must also allow inspection of any submissions it receives and allow persons to make copies.

However, if you consider that disclosure of your place of living would put your or your family’s personal safety at risk, you can apply to Council under Section 739 of the Local Government Act 1993 which requires that requests for protection of privacy be made in writing to the General Manager. The request is to give particulars of the relevant risk to the person and is to be verified by a statutory declaration by the person making the request or by some other person.

It is a requirement that all Political Donations and Gifts are reported to Council by completing a Disclosure Statement form.



Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) on Public Display

Reconciliation Action Plan RAPAt its Ordinary Council Meeting, Thursday 20 February 2025 Council resolved to place the Draft Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) on public exhibition for a period of 28 days and is inviting both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community members to 'Have Your Say'.

Moree Plains Shire Council is committed to taking meaningful action to advance reconciliation. To support this undertaking, as outlined in Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2032 and Operational Plan 2024-2025 a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has been developed.

The process of developing a RAP is backed by a nationally recognised framework which is administered by Reconciliation Australia. Through the use of this framework, Moree Plains Shire Council will identify actions, timelines, responsibilities and targets in three key areas: relationships, respect and opportunities.

“Many organisations and councils have reconciliation action plans and as a shire with over 20% of our residents identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, it is important that our council has a meaningful plan in place,” said the Mayor, Cr Susannah Pearse.

“The plan needs to accurately reflect the desires of our community and our council team in terms of building respect, relationships and opportunities for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members and staff, and we need your help to make sure that what we commit to is right.”

The Reconciliation Australia framework recognises that different organisations are at different stages of their reconciliation journey, with RAPs falling into four progressive categories – Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate.

The 2025-2028 plan is an Innovate plan, building on the foundations of Council’s earlier plans and achievements and focusing on actions - strengthening relationships and piloting strategies for further reconciliation commitments and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The Draft RAP is our Council’s formal commitment to reconciliation, providing a pathway to improvement and real change within our organisation and potentially acting as an example for our community.

A hard copy of the Policy is available from Council’s customer service centre in Moree, Moree Community Library and the Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre.

Your feedback and comments are welcomed and can be submitted to the General Manager, Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400. Comments can also be submitted to Council by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 6 April 2025.

Further enquiries in relation to the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) should be directed to Alisa Akins on (02) 6757 3222.

Image – Eilah Porter on the cover of Moree Plains Shire Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)



Council Helps Support SES Operations in Preparation for Cyclone Alfred

Lockheed Martin C 130J 30 Super Hercules Recent apron upgrades completed at the Moree Regional Airport have aided in supporting the arrival of a Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Super Hercules into Moree yesterday, ahead of the pending Cyclone Alfred due to make landfall today.

The Hercules arrived with supplies and equipment to help service the Northern Tablelands should any localised flooding occur from the additional rainfall that could come from Cyclone Alfred.

In the form of pre-empting localised flooding, Council is ready to assist State Emergency Service (SES), who are the lead agency in a flooding event.

Council has started to strategically position plant, equipment and gravel supplies within the Shire to ensure a swift response to minimise any disruption to the road network in case of localised flooding.

This preparedness will hopefully help the Shire recover more quickly should the cyclone bring heavy rainfall and flooding.

To find out more about Cyclone Alfred and receive warnings >>
Download the ‘Hazards Near Me’ App and set up ‘Watch Zones’ to receive warnings in real time  https://www.nsw.gov.au/emergency/hazards-near-me-app
Visit www.ses.nsw.gov.au for the latest warnings and information.
Further information on Tropical Cyclone Alfred http://www.bom.gov.au/

Image - Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Super Hercules



More Articles ...

  1. International Women's Day - Accelerate Action 
  2. Public notice – Presentation of financial statements
  3. The Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
  4. Public Exhibition of GEGHA - Voluntary Planning Agreement 
  5. What a Relief! It is Damian Callinan
  6. Mungindi Urgent Water Main Repair 
  7. Calling All Youth of Moree Plains
  8. $5million Investment for Terry Hie Hie Road Upgrade
  9. Announcing the 2024-25 Small Business Fund Recipients
  10. REQUEST FOR TENDER – Edward St 450mm Distribution Main Replacement
  11. Celebrating the Freedom Ride: A Tribute to History Through Pictorial and Historical Collections
  12. Council Announces Strategic Shift for 50m Pool
  13. Commemorating The Freedom Rides 60th Anniversary Celebrations
  14. Max Centre
  15. Addressing QantasLink Flight Reductions: Maintaining Connectivity for Moree Plains
  16. Time to Shine! Time to Nominate for the 2025 Moree Plains Senior Citizen
  17. Level Five Water Restrictions for Moree with effect Wednesday 12 February 2025
  18. Council Focus Newsletter
  19. Moree Plains Shire - March Bulky Waste Collection
  20. Waste Service Commerical Collections 
  21. indyreads Summer Book Club author talk with Michael Brissenden
  22. The Minns Government Strengthens its Commitment to Moree
  23. Boil Water Alert and Water Restrictions Lifted for Mungindi
  24. Boggabilla – Come And Have Your Input In The Future Of Your Community
  25. Standing Committee Meeting 
  26. Water Restrictions to Level 1 for the Township of Moree
  27. Boonangar Rd Traffic Changes at Black Gully Bridge
  28. Mungindi Boil Water Alert 
  29. Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC) to Reopen on Saturday, 1 February 2025
  30. Gurley Landfill 
  31. Welcoming Council’s Interim General Manager, Natalia Cowley
  32. Potable/Drinking Water Quality
  33. Policy Review - Draft Code of Conduct
  34. Policy Review - Draft Code of Meeting Practice
  35. Mungindi Potable Water Supply – Boil Water Alert and Drop Down to Level 2 Restrictions 
  36. Message from the Mayor
  37. Boiled Water Alert - Continuation of Level 5 Water Restrictions For Mungindi
  38. Level Two Water Restrictions for Moree With Effect From Tuesday 28 January
  39. Level Five Water Restrictions for Mungindi with effect Monday 27 January for 34 hours
  40. Celebrating Excellence - Australia Day Award Winners 2025
  41. Australia Day Public Holiday Events and Services
  42. Pitch2Grow 2025 – Call for Expressions of Interest
  43. Update - Water Restrictions for the Township of Moree for 48 Hours
  44. Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC) Update; Re-opening of the Pools
  45. Urgent Water Restrictions for the township of Moree for 48 hours
  46. 2025 Australia Day Award Nominees!
  47. Active Leak Detection Project
  48. Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC) Temporary Closure Update
  49. Our 2025 Australia Day Ambassador
  50. Mungindi Township
  51. Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre 
  52. Christmas Light Competiton Results
  53. 2025 Australia Day
  54. Garbage Collection for Christmas
  55. Message from the Mayor
  56. Giving an update
  57. Boggabilla Community Action Committee
  58. Council Services and Facilities for the Christmas Holidays
  59. Double Demerit Points
  60. Extraordinary Council Meeting
  61. Councillors Hit the Road for Community Engagement in Mungindi
  62. Shine Bright This Christmas, Enter the Moree Plains Shire Christmas Lights Competition
  63. A Christmas Morning Tea - A Ricochet Community Recovery Event
  64. Thank You for Participating In The Recycle Right Quiz Competition
  65. Celebrating Excellence in our Shire- Nominate Now for the 2025 Australia Day Awards
  66. Mosquito and Black Fly Control for Mungindi Update
  67. Upcoming fire works display
  68. Nominate Outstanding Australians For Australia Day Awards
  69. New Food Safety Requirements 
  70. Funding available to deliver school holiday activities 
  71. Pool entry at the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC)
  72. $50million Investment Boost for Regional Communities
  73. Thank you General Manager, Kelvin Tytherleigh
  74. Council wins for exceptional environmental management 
  75. Heber Street Road Closure
  76. Extraordinary Council Meeting 
  77. Investing In Our Future – Youth Funding A Knock-Out Success
  78. Road Closure_Saturday 30 November
  79. Community Strategic Plan (CSP) Engagement
  80. Christmas At Twilight Postponed
  81. Grand Opening of Livvi’s Place Jacaranda Park
  82. Country Mayors endorse opposition to Planning Piracy
  83. Mungindi Christmas Morning Tea
  84. Livvi’s Place Jacaranda Park – Grand Opening
  85. 2024 A R Bluett Memorial Award
  86. LGNSW’S 2024 Annual Conference
  87. Join Our Recycle Right Quiz for a Chance to Win 
  88. Brendan Moylan Report
  89. Have your say on the draft Landholder Negotiation Scheme Regulation
  90. Grant Writing Support - After-hours activities grant
  91. A community announcement
  92. Ronald McDonald House
  93. Helping learner drivers become safer drivers
  94. Message from the Mayor
  95. Temporary road closure installation Christmas decorations & essential maintenance
  96. Moree Regional Airport Supports Fire Fighting Operations
  97. Remembrance Day Service
  98. Extraordinary Council Meeting
  99. Early Closure of the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC) from 1.30pm
  100. Upcoming Scheduled Works 