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Community Strategic Plan 

Community Engagement Strategy 2036

Afterhours activities grants 

Afterhours small grant program

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Water Restrictions Mungindi

Water restrictions in Mungindi, Boggabilla and Weemelah

Water Restrictions Moree

Water restrictions in Mungindi, Boggabilla and Weemelah

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Performance Dashboard

Performance Dashboard - This dashboard which acts as a reference point to demonstrate Council's commitment to service excellence and transparency

Council Focus

Council Focus Q1 2024 July to September

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Progress on the Moree Saleyard Safety Project

Moree Plains Shire Council resolved at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 7 April, to allocate a further $545,000 for repairs and upgrades to the Moree Livestock Selling Centre.

The additional investment will be conditional upon ongoing negotiations with the Moree Livestock Selling Agents Association.

The Saleyards were closed by Council in February 2022, following an appeal to Council and subsequent inspection. The inspection revealed the Saleyards and amenities were in a poor condition and were an unacceptable risk to livestock and operators.

Council has been working with the Livestock Selling Agents to develop a plan to return the Saleyards to a functional condition.

Given the age and state of the Saleyards, this has not been straightforward.

These funds will be used to upgrade the timber railings, water supply, ramps and if there are sufficient monies available, improvements to the amenities.

The Mayor said at last night’s meeting, “Councillors appreciated the value of the Moree Saleyard Selling Centre and its contribution to our economy. However, we remain concerned about the sustainability of the facility”.

Council has commissioned an Options Study that we expect to receive next month.  Whereas Councillors are prepared to invest residents’ funds to get the Centre reopened, we will be insisting on a viable business model for the Centre going forward that does not require ongoing support from the community.”


