What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Vision, Mission and Values

Our Organisational Vision

Moree Plains Shire is a strong, robust community that provides a relaxed, healthy and harmonious lifestyle with an economy that supports the local region and preserves the important environmental qualities of our area.

Our Organisational Mission

Moree Plains Shire Council’s mission is to lead the way in fostering a healthy, positive and well-resourced community.

Our Organisational Values

Courage: in our ideas, thoughts and actions
Accountability: accepting responsibility for our actions and delivering what has been agreed
Safety: a safety based organisation which focuses on the wellbeing of staff and the community
Teamwork: working together as one Council team, supporting each other to achieve the best results for staff and the community
Honesty: acting truthfully, consistently and with fairness in our interactions with staff and the community

Our Community Vision

We are vibrant, we are inclusive, we are proud of our culture and environment. We are a sustainable community with a thriving economy full of opportunity.


