Saturday 27 July from 12-9pm and Sunday 28 July from 11am–5pm. Located on Balo Street, Moree


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Tenders and Expressions of Interest

Moree Plains Shire Council uses electronic tendering systems to find suppliers in order to source goods and services in a fair and equitable manner and to satisfy the probity requirements under current legislation. This also reduces the time and costs for both Council and our suppliers.

Council operates portals for both Tenderlink and Vendorpanel. The portals are used by buyers within Council to lodge current Tenders, Quotations and Expressions of Interest which are viewed by suppliers who are already registered. Preferred Supplier lists are also compiled to be used when requesting quotations from suppliers for particular projects or periods of extended works.

Suppliers are invited to register for both of the Council's portals at the links below.

For more information on Council Procurement Policy, Statement of Business Ethics, and further policies.

Tender/Expression of Interest 

Closing Date

Request for Tender (RFT)NumberRFT24/05 SR25 Caloona Road Construction and Bitumen Sealing

 2pm 2 July 2024

