What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Customer Service Standards

At Moree Plains Shire Council we are committed to the timely, efficient and consistent delivery of quality services which support the Moree Plains Shire Council Community Strategic Plan.

We will ensure that customer contact is fair, friendly, informative and efficient, and subscribe to continuous improvement to meet the changing needs of our community.

Required Service

Our Standard 

Answer your call Within 5 rings
Return your call Within 2 working days
Reply to general correspondence Within 10 working days
If Council cannot provide the service you require we will refer you to the appropriate service 100% of the time
Road service/ assessment requests  Within 7 working days
Water service/ assessment requests  Within 14 working days
Waste service/assessment request Within 7 working days
Footpath service/assessment request Within 14 working days
Kerb and gutter assessment/service requests Within 14 working days
Development Application approval Within 21 working days
Planning certificates Within 7 working days
Rates certificates Within 7 working days


“Complaints” are different from a “Request for Service”.

A “Request for Service” includes an appeal for assistance to inspect, remove, replace, repair or reinstate Council facilities or amenities which may be damaged or missing as a result of a number of circumstances.

A “Complaint” is an expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service given by or the behaviour of an employee or councillor. A complaint may relate to a specific incident or issue involving Council, or to matters of a more philosophical or general nature regarding Council’s processes and/or procedures.

However, should you believe that you have a complaint, please bring your complaint to us directly so that we can resolve the issue, and improve our service for the future. P: (02) 6757 3222 E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Commitment

At Moree Plains Shire Council we are committed to the timely, efficient and consistent delivery of quality services which support the Moree Plains Shire Council Community Strategic Plan.
We will ensure that customer contact is fair, friendly, informative and efficient, and subscribe to continuous improvement to meet the changing needs of our community.

Who are our Customers?

Our customers are all persons or organisations that have any form of dealings with Council. This includes residents, ratepayers, shopkeepers, business operators, Council staff, contractors and elected members.

What do we ask from you?

In order to provide the best possible service to all our customers, we ask that you

  • Provide accurate and complete details when contacting Council.
  • Treat Council staff with courtesy and respect.
  • Contact Council to make an appointment when there is a complex enquiry or need to see a specific officer.
  • Give reasonable opportunities to respond to any request or complaint.
  • Respect the privacy, safety and need of other members of the community.

