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Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan

Moree and surrounding areas are expected to grow over the next 20 years with the arrival of the Inland Rail and the Special Activation Precinct. Moree Plains Shire Council is progressing with plans to provide more housing in the right locations and to deliver the required infrastructure through the development of the Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan (Plan).

This Plan is the next step in implementing the adopted Moree Plains Local Housing Strategy 2022, which identified the need for an additional 2,050 to 4,400 new dwellings in Moree Shire by 2041.

Some of this growth could potentially be accommodated in five investigation areas in Southwest Moree and Pallamallawa. The Plan will provide Council with a Masterplan and Infrastructure Plan for the five investigation areas, which are shown below.

Southwest Moree


Plan Benefits

The Plan will involve a comprehensive and systematic approach to analysing and planning the long term goals and objectives for the potential housing development of these areas.

What does this mean for our residents? The aim is to investigate the opportunity to deliver diverse housing options in the investigation areas and see Southwest Moree and Pallamallawa grow sustainably, attractively and supported by infrastructure delivery, while maintaining our heritage, character and culture.

Ensuring this growth happens with your feedback is imperative so that the economic, environmental and social well-being of our region remains in focus.

Current Progress

Moree Plains Shire Council has engaged a team of consultants to develop Masterplans and infrastructure Plans for the five investigation areas. The Project Team is made up of planning, environmental, community engagement, urban design and infrastructure planning experts.

January - February 2024

The draft Plan will be shared with the community for feedback from late January until 19 February 2024.

A copy of the draft Plan is here.  

A facts sheet summarising the information about the draft Plan is here.  


October - December 2023

Preparation of the Draft Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan (completed)

The Masterplan and Infrastructure Plan include the:

  • recommendations for land uses
  • recommendations for required infrastructure delivery and potential staging of development
  • analysis of wider community engagement and incorporation of feedback
  • financial modelling and feasibility testing.

July - September 2023

Initial stages of developing the plan, including community engagement (completed)

This phase involved:

  • site visits and site analysis
  • identification of opportunities and constraints
  • community engagement



To speak with someone about the development of the Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Council’s Planning Team at 02 6757 3222 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Next Steps

Council will consider community feedback on the draft Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan and will decide whether to make changes to the draft Plan or adopt the Plan as exhibited as a blueprint for the next steps.


