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Our Moree Plains, Our Vision to 2032

Moree Plains Shire Council is reviewing our Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The CSP is the highest-level plan that we prepare. The purpose of the CSP is to identify community priorities and goals for the future as well as plans to achieve those goals.
When we prepare the CSP, we need your help to answer four key questions:

1. Where are we now?
2. Where do we want to be in 10 years’ time?
3. How will we get there?
4. How will we know we have arrived?

Our Moree Plains - Our vision to 2032

To do this, we’re inviting you to share your thoughts, aspirations and priorities for the Moree Plains Shire for the next 10 years. We need you to help us draft a community vision and the strategies to get us there.

We also want to know who will help us achieve the community vision. While Council is the custodian of the CSP, it is first and foremost a community document and requires input and leadership from our community and business partners, as well as state and federal government agencies.

Why now?

The CSP is an aspirational document that is always looking 10 years ahead. After each Local Government Election, we review the plan with the community to reset our community priorities, our goals and our strategies for achieving them. This work guides all of Council’s remaining strategic and operational plans and strategies and our activities for the Council term.

What can I have a say on?

Creating a community vision for the CSP is one of the most important outcomes of the community engagement process. It sets the tone for the CSP and supports a sense of shared ownership and purpose.
While the elected Council is responsible for endorsing the CSP at a Council meeting, the community can influence:
• The community’s 10-year vision for Moree Plains
• The objectives and strategies of the CSP
• The role of Council, community, partners and agencies in meeting the community’s vision.

How can I have my say?

Community survey
The survey is open to everyone and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Everyone who completes the survey can choose to go in the draw to win one of five $50 Love Local gift cards.
Click here to complete the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3FG8Y7R

Alternatively, pick up a hard copy at Moree, Mungindi or the Mobile Library, Council Moree Office or the Dhiiyaan Centre. Return via Reply Paid, drop off at a Council building, or scan and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The survey closes on 7 March 2022.

Flyer in the mail


All residents and ratepayers will receive a flyer in the mail detailing how they can have their say on the CSP. We’ve included a Reply Paid option so all you have to do is complete the CSP Have your say form, pop it in the mail and we’ll pay the postage.


Moree Markets


Come and talk to us at our pop-up stall at the Moree Markets on Sunday 6 February at Jellicoe Park. We’ll have copies of our survey, kitchen table kits and information on our drawing competition for you to take home or you can complete the survey on iPads. We’ll also have some interactive elements for you to have your say. Come and say hi, and meet your new Councillors!

Pop-up stalls

Once a week, we will have a pop-up stall in Moree main street. We’ll post on the website and our Facebook page when we are there. Come and pop down to talk to us and your Councillors!

Kitchen table kits


We understand that some people might not feel comfortable talking in front of strangers in a public workshop. That’s why we’ve developed our kitchen table kits. These kits are designed to let you discuss and answer questions about the CSP from the comfort of your own home or workplace with friends, family, workmates or community group. To host a kitchen table discussion, download our kit or pick one up from Moree, Mungindi or the Mobile Library, Council Moree Office or the Dhiiyaan Centre. Return via Reply Paid, drop off at a Council building, or scan and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Community Online Workshops


Are you a community leader or are passionate about your local area or a local issue? Want to get more involved in guiding our Shire’s future? Then the Workshops are for you.
We’ll be running a series of online workshops for you to discuss with Councillors challenges facing our community, and identify priorities, goals and strategies to achieve these goals. The workshops will be held 14-17th February 2022 at various times.
Register for a workshop now:




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