Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Exempt Development

Some minor building renovations or works don’t need any planning or building approval. This is called exempt development. Exempt development is very low impact development that can be done for certain residential, commercial and industrial properties. A few examples of development that can be exempt development are: decks, garden sheds, carports, fences, repairing a window or painting a house. As long as the proposed works meet all of the development standards (identified in the State Policy for exempt and complying development), approval may not be needed.

An online tool is available through the Electronic Housing Code (EHC) website that allows you to determine if you are able to proceed as exempt development without the need for further approvals. You can use the EHC to determine whether your development is classified as exempt development.

The majority of exempt and complying development types and their development standards are found in the State Policy for exempt and complying development. You can view the policy on the NSW Legislation website:

State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Moree Plains Local Environmental Plan 2011 (LEP) includes definitions for various land uses. The LEP identifies development that does not require consent; development that needs consent; and prohibited development within the zone applicable to the land. 

Should you want written advice from Council that your development is exempt, please complete the exempt development application form.

Please contact us if you require assistance determining if your proposal is exempt development.


