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Moree Plains Shire Emergency Services

Council's role in emergencies:

Moree Council works in collaboration with Emergency Service Organisations to ensure the safety of our community. The roles and responsibilities of Local Government in Emergency Management are detailed in the State and Rescue Management Act. Council is required to appoint a Local Emergency Management Officer (LEMO) who, in the event of an emergency will act as a coordinator and will liaise with the other Emergency Services such as NSW Police, Fire and Rescue and State Emergency Services. Council also reviews and updates the Local Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN) which details arrangements for the prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies within the Moree Plains Shire Council Area.

Emergency Preparation:

Emergencies can happen at any time, it is vital that you know the risks within your area. If an emergency occurs there may be limited capacity of emergency services organisations to assist. It is important that you have a plan so you can be self-reliant.

Create a Household Emergency Plan:

Examples of household emergency plans can be found at:

  • Australian Red Cross
  • NSW Rural Fire Service
  • NSW Fire and Rescue
  • State Emergency Services

Plan to Evacuate:

It is important that you consider the different emergency situations that you may find yourself in and where you might evacuate to if a particular scenario occurs. It is essential that you remain flexible during an emergency situation. Ensure that you follow any directions given to you from Emergency Service Organisations.

Reduce the Risk to your Home:

There are simple steps that you can take to reduce hazards on your property and so limit the potential harm to your home and its occupants.

  • Clean out gutters and downpipes.
  • Trim overhead trees and branches.
  • Secure or put away loose items.
  • Check the roof is in good repair.
  • Do a home safety audit and check your smoke alarms are working.
  • Make sure your home and contents insurance is up to date.

Act on your Plan:

During an emergency it is important to stay calm and follow directions given to you by the Emergency Services. The agencies listed below provide useful information to help you stay informed in the event of a natural disaster or emergency.




Emergency 000 For life threatening emergencies 000
State Emergency Services
For storms, storm damage, floods or flood rescue 132 500
NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) For bush fire related incidents 1800 679 737
(1800 NSW RFS)
NSW Police Force For urgent Police emergencies
For non-urgent Police assistance

131 444
Fire and Rescue NSW For fire emergencies, hazardous materials incidents and community fire safety
For non-urgent incidents


(02) 6752 7620


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