Moree Civic Precinct Redevelopment Project Reference Group
EOI Extended
Expressions of Interest from local community members to join the Moree Civic Precinct Redevelopment Project Reference Group has been extended to Thursday, 17 September 2020.
Council has two positions vacant for community members to be a part of the Reference Group who will be asked to provide input, advice and expertise to the Project Team about the range of upgrades to the facility being key arts and cultural infrastructure elements required for an effective multi-use facility.
Moree Plains Shire Council’s Director of Planning and community Development, Angus Witherby commented on the opportunity to be part of the reference group.
“We are delighted that we are able to add two new community members to the reference group, however the group is very keen to see even broader community participation as community experience is essential in delivering a project that works for Moree”, said Mr Witherby.
Members of the community with experience in the following areas are invited to register their interest:
• Experience with arts, events and functions within the Moree Community;
• Experience with issues of access for people with disabilities to community venues, including live events, functions and the like;
• Event management skills including operational experience with managing events.
Preference will be given to community members with the broadest range of relevant experience.
To register your interest, please complete the one-page Expression of Interest form
Submissions strictly close Thursday, 17 September 2020 at 5pm.
Please note that applicants must be current residents of the Moree Plains Shire.