Funding awarded to preserve the Past - 2020 Community Enhancement Fund
The Old Lands Building at 40 Frome Street, Moree is set to enjoy a facelift with the Moree and District Historical Society securing $12,700 from Council’s 2020 Community Enhancement Fund to replace carpet within the building.
The funding will ensure the Moree and District Historical Society has an area fit to host a new Museum on local history.
The Historical Society was founded in 1962 and works to archive and promote Moree’s history. Michael McNamara from the Moree and District Historical Society has explained what visitors can expect to see included in the new Museum once it is opened.
“The new Museum will have an updated display of the photos from the Sportsman’s Hall of Fame, along with other photos from the Historical Society’s collection and a Family Bible from Moree’s founder, Mary Brand.
“There will also be a display of plaques from businesses that are no longer in Moree, trophies won by Moree sportsmen and women, old shop ledgers from McIntosh Store, Crane & Co Stock and Station Agents, a collection of work books from Midkin dating back to the 1900’s.
“The Moree Race Club has also donated its records and minutes books to the Historical Society and the exhibition will also include some early furnishings such as a washing machine, sewing machines, heaters, a cooker, typewriters, and scales.
“Members of the Historical Society open the building each Monday when they undertake work on items that are located on the ground floor; they also do research for people who have enquired online. The Historical Society offers a research service for anyone who wants to look at his or her family history or any information about Moree and District for a small fee of $25”, said Mr McNamara.
The Historical Society hold a long-term lease in respect of the Old Lands Building and are responsible for all maintenance works. To complete the project, members of the Historical Society have pledged to complete the physical labour to remove the existing carpet.
This is the second year funds have been available to community groups through the Community Enhancement Fund; a partnership between Moree Plains Shire Council and the Moree Solar Farm. The funding was established to support projects that enhance the local physical and social environment or provide a service promoting community wellbeing or environmental sustainability.
This year, two community groups have been announced as successful recipients of the 2020 Community Enhancement Fund, each being awarded $12,700 to complete their projects. The other recipient of this year’s funding is the Northern Gomeroi Aboriginal Corporation for an amount of $12,700 to upgrade the Boggabilla Men’s Shed and adjoining office space.
The Community Enhancement Fund is a program financially supported by the Moree Solar Farm and provided to Council as a contribution to support projects that will benefit the community.
A spokesperson from Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) said “FRV confirms its commitment to the growth of clean and sustainable energy in Australia with a clear focus on community engagement during the development, construction and operational life of the projects.
“Through the Community Enhancement Fund, we are happy to support projects and social initiatives that improve the Moree community living conditions, enhancing people’s wellbeing and fostering local development."
Signage will be installed to acknowledge the financial assistance of Moree Plains Shire Council and the Moree Solar Farm in delivering this project.
Moree & District History Society can be contacted by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling the Society’s Secretary on 0407 522 841.
The Moree Solar Farm is one of six solar projects owned or operated by FRV, a global leader in the development of utility-scale renewable energy projects, in Australia. Spanning a vast site of 287 hectares in northern New South Wales, the farm has capacity to produce 70 MW dc of clean energy every year, which is enough to power around 24,000 Australian households.