Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Inland Rail driving local jobs in Moree

Momentum is building for construction of the Inland Rail in the Moree Plains, with ARTC and its head contractor Trans4m Rail hosting three community information sessions this week in Moree for job seekers and prospective subcontractors, suppliers and equipment providers.

With nearly 200 attendees at the sessions, Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries is incredibly proud of the significant local interest being generated by the project, including from local job seekers.

“We have this magnificent project running right through our Shire. It’s undoubtedly going to change the future of the black soil plains.

“But in the short and medium term, the opportunity to be part of this project is real. The attendance at this week’s sessions has shown our community members are motivated and getting ready. I am so proud of our locals for making the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“To participate in the project, job seekers need to access the Trans4m Rail employment website to apply now” said the Mayor.

Trans4m Rail, the Contractor for phase 1 of the Narrabri to North Star project, has recently launched its website www.trans4mrail.com.au and is committed to sourcing local employees for the project.

With a total workforce of 450 people required during the project life cycle, job seekers are urged to visit the website for their chance to be part of this nation building project.

A number of positions are currently being advertised for trades, labour and operator roles and professional roles and if you are new to the workforce or the construction industry and are looking to kick start your career, there are a number of entry level roles that may offer the opportunity you are looking for.

For further information about procurement and employment opportunities email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Council’s Regional Activation Unit on (02) 6757 3440.
