Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Mulch, Compost and Household General Waste

Compost vs Mulch

Compost is always covered by mulch - never the other way around!

Compost is decomposed organic matter and it belongs in the soil to hold moisture, keep the soil aerated to give it structure. It's also vital to microbial activity.  You can order compost through the Waste Hotline on 1300 736 719 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mulch goes on top and is never dug into the soil. It's coarse, it's free-draining, and its job is to keep moisture in the soil, smother weeds and to finish off the surface of a garden bed. Moree Plains Shire Council offers free mulch to all residents in an effort to encourage sustainability.  Householders can collect as much mulch as they want from the Moree Waste Management Facility.


In an effort to combat illegal dumping and inspire environmental thinking, residents in Moree will now be able to dispose of domestic waste free of charge at the Moree Waste Management Facility.  Loads need to be sorted into recycling, green waste or general waste.  There is also various drop off points to boost recycling of chemical containers, white goods, tyres, wood, metals, green waste/organics, e-waste, motor oil and batteries.


