Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Moree Gateway Energised With Puma Energy Sod Turning

Today, Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries, together with Puma Energy General

Manager, Ray Taylor officiated a sod turning ceremony at the Moree Gateway, celebrating the beginning of development of Puma Energy’s site.

Late last year, Moree Plains Shire Council completed the sale of land at the Moree Gateway to Puma Energy for the development of a combined service station and truck stop, providing a modern purpose-built large scale facility to serve the needs of the interstate trucking community.

a sod turning ceremony at the Moree Gateway, celebrating the beginning of development of Puma Energy’s site.Puma - SOD turning at the Moree GatewayPuma Energy General Manager Ray Taylor said, “We are excited to begin construction on the new Puma Moree Travel Centre, which will provide first-class refuelling and rest facilities to the local community and motorists travelling on the Moree Gateway.

“At Puma, we are committed to supporting the local communities in which we operate, and will be using local contractors, builders and suppliers to bring this project to life.

“Puma Moree is a key part of our national expansion strategy, providing regional communities and Pumacard customers with greater access to high-quality services, competitive discounts and network benefits,” Mr Taylor said.

Mayor Humphries was equally encouraged by the occasion and what it means for Moree, “The sod turning ceremony signals a very exciting time for the Shire, Council and Puma because it marks the first steps of construction at the site,” she said.

“It will be great for everyone to see construction works at Puma’s site kick off, particularly with the involvement of local contractors and suppliers. I am absolutely over the moon to be making this announcement!”

Mayor Humphries added, “This Council is serious about attracting new business to our Shire and stimulating our economy – the decision to develop the Moree Gateway site goes a long way in showcasing Council’s commitment. This project shows we are fair dinkum about the long-term sustainability of our Shire.

She added, “I have no doubt that the leadership shown in undertaking this project contributed to our Council being deemed “Fit” the NSW Government’s local government reform process and avoiding amalgamation.”

The Moree Gateway is an initiative of Council designed to stimulate economic growth, create new jobs and ensure the future prosperity of the Moree Plains Shire. It supports the Council’s vision for the Shire in strategically positioning itself as a regional transport centre.



