Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information

Community Update 1

Moree Plains Shire Council receives regular updates from the NSW and Federal governments and will respond as required or directed by appropriate health authorities.

As the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Australian community continues to evolve, Council is taking further steps to protect the safety of our staff, customers and our community. Council has established its own Crisis Management Team from across the organisation to respond quickly to the changing situation and is taking advice and direction from the NSW and Federal Governments. This includes in relation to the new restrictions announced today relating to non-essential indoor gatherings for more than 100 people, including staff.

What is Council doing in response to COVID-19?

The health and safety of our residents, customers and employees is our top priority and we are continuing to monitor daily developments.
We are planning and taking measures to keep essential services operating. Currently, there is no disruption to core Council services to the community.

For residents and visitors

Council urges residents to adhere to Federal Government’s COVID-19 health advice, which is the leading source of accurate health advice and alerts in Australia.
For the most up-to-date information about COVID-19, go to:

 NSW Heath 
 Federal Government, Department of Health 

Council Facilities

Across our facilities in the Shire, we will be increasing our cleaning regime and sanitation.

Our Moree Customer Service Centre will continue to operate to serve our community. However, we ask that community members observe the hygiene and social distancing recommendations of the Federal Government (set out at the end of this media release) whilst at our offices and in the community generally.

When you visit our Moree Customer Service Centre, you will see some differences which have been put in place to reflect our commitment to the Federal Government’s recommendations regarding social distancing, for example, there is reduced seating. We have also placed hand sanitiser on our front counter and would ask members of the public to utilise this prior to conducting your business with our staff including Customer Service officers.

If you are coming to our Moree Customer Service Centre to address a specific query, for example, in relation to a Development Approval, please call ahead on (02) 6757 3222 so we can address your enquiry over the phone if at all possible or if necessary to meet, arrangements can be made for an appropriate meeting room to be available.

Gwydir Daycare and Preschool

This facility remains open and specific advice has been provided to families which use this service.

MAAC | Boomi Pool | Mungindi Pool

As regards our Shire Pools, we have received advice from NSW Health to confirm that these facilities can remain open at the present time, subject to the general advice provided by the Federal Government regarding hygiene and social distancing, noted at the end of this media release. Studies have shown that COVID-19 does not survive in chlorinated pool water. This approach is consistent with other pool operations across NSW.

We, together with the Board of the MAAC, are monitoring this on a daily basis and will provide regular updates to the community.

Shire Libraries

The Moree Community Library remains open although we are experiencing reduced community demand. Our opening hours remain the same at this time.
The Mungindi CTC (including the library operations) remain open at this time.
The following activities and programs have been cancelled, until further notice:
Weekly Programs

Unfortunately, no Easter Holiday program will take place on-site during the forthcoming school holidays.

Essential Services – Waste Collection

We operate a weekly general waste collection (red bin) and a fortnightly recycling (yellow bin) and organic (green bin) waste collection.
There are no changes to this service at this time.

Essential Services – Water and Sewer Operations

The provision of treated potable water and sewer operations across the Shire are of highest priority.
There are no changes to this service at this time.
Do not flush toilet paper alternatives - including paper towels, baby wipes, wet wipes, fabric, serviettes and tissues - down your toilet.  Even if labelled as 'flushable', these items do not dissolve (break down) like toilet paper, and can cause blockages in your home plumbing or the sewer network. 

Council events and public gatherings

In response to advice regarding COVID-19 and public gatherings, several Council-run, Council-funded community events or events being held at Council facilities have been postponed or cancelled, including:

  • ANZAC Day commemoration services (cancelled as per NSW RSL Direction)
  • Moree Swimming Club Nights, Thursday evenings at the MAAC (cancelled)
  • Harmony Day celebrations (cancelled)
  • Seniors Festival 2020 (cancelled)
  • Youth Week Activities 2020 (cancelled)

The decision to cancel these events is based upon the Federal Government’s announcement on 15 March 2020 to limit non-essential gatherings of over 500 people as well as the new restrictions announced today relating to non-essential indoor gatherings for more than 100 people, including staff, and ensure, where possible, social distancing is attainable.

Council Staff

Council is communicating with all staff on a regular basis, providing relevant health advice and putting a range of measures in place to help ensure the continuity of services to the community during this time.

About COVID-19


The symptoms[1] of COVID-19 are similar to other colds and flus and include:

  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty breathing/ shortness of breath.

Whilst COVID-19 is of concern, it is important to remember that most people displaying these symptoms are likely suffering with a cold or other respiratory illness – not COVID-19.

How is COVID-19 spread? ¹

COVID-19 is most likely to spread from person-to-person through:

  • Direct close contact with a person while they are infectious or in the 24 hours before their symptoms appeared.
  • Close contact with a person with a confirmed infection who coughs or sneezes.
  • Touching objects or surfaces (such as door handles or tables) contaminated from a cough or sneeze from a person with a confirmed infection, and then touching your mouth or face.


Practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene and keeping your distance from others when you are sick is the best defence against most viruses, including COVID-19.
You should:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet. You handwashing practise should take at least 20 seconds.
  • Cover your cough and sneeze, dispose of tissues, and wash your hands.
  • If unwell, avoid contact with others (stay more than 1.5m from others) and no handshakes.
  • Exercise personal responsibility for social distancing measures – keep a distance of 1.5m between you and other people.

The information set out in this Media Release is current as at 4.30pm, Wednesday 18 March 2020. Updates will be provided on Council’s website and Facebook page.

[1] Australian Government, Department of Health, Coronavirus – Frequently Asked Questions, Version 3 (16/03/20)

