Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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A message from the Mayor

Let’s all heed the Message - Stay at Home

The Federal and State Government have asked us all to stay at home unless we are delivering essential services to our community.

Today, the Queensland border effectively closed, save for a number of exemptions including those relating to cross border interactions.

We are asking for travellers to make their way home immediately as directed by our State and Federal Governments. With caravan and camping grounds closed from today for travellers across Queensland and NSW, now is NOT the time to enjoy the Moree Plains.

Like all essential service providers, Moree Plains Shire Council is focused on ensuring that we are in a position to continue to deliver our essential services to the community. In these difficult times, we need to prioritise our service delivery and we cannot cater for roaming visitors.  Our medical services and supplies of essential products (groceries and pharmaceuticals) are already stretched to the limit.

With incidents of COVID-19 confirmed in Shires close by, there is already a heightened sense of awareness and trepidation so we all need to do our bit and strictly adhere to the advice provided. As a council, we cannot close highways but we want to isolate to protect our community from non-essential travellers by restricting access to our Shire.

Community members who are subject to self-isolation directions, self-isolate and stay home. We live in a community where others want to help – lean on your friends and family for shopping and other needs to ensure that you strictly adhere to the self-isolation requirements.

Giving up a few of our usual liberties is a small price to pay to be responsible members of our community.


