Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Border Passes For Queensland Border
Boggabilla Tafe

Friday 27 March 10am-Noon & 1pm-2.30pm
Community Update 10

If you are having trouble accessing computers/internet to arrange a border pass, you can visit TAFE Boggabilla tomorrow, Friday 27 March 2020 and Karlene Duncan (TAFE Services Coordinator) will complete online forms and print permits for those in need.

This service will be on offer between 10:00am and 12 noon and 1:00pm and 2:30pm.

TAFE requests that the following conditions be adhered to:
 One person is to enter the campus at a time (they will be able to complete their pass on behalf of their partners and dependents).
 Queuing practices to comply with social distancing requirements (people stand 1.5 meters apart)

At this stage, TAFE can only guarantee that this service will be available tomorrow, Friday 27 March.

Residents can also access computers at Toomelah Public School for the same purpose if needs be.


