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MAAC Closes its Doors, effective Monday 23 March 2020

Following the updated advice of the Federal Government last night and as confirmed by the NSW Premier this morning, the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre (MAAC) will be closed from today until further notice.

This closure has been implemented by the Board of MAAC Limited and is supported by Council.

The closure is being undertaken as a result of the most recent advice issued by the Federal and State Government, including:

  • The MAAC’s gymnasium and group fitness operations are required to be closed, being an indoor sporting venue or gym.
  • There are significant challenges for the wellness centre in the MAAC to comply with the social distancing requirements and the Federal Government’s requirements for indoor gatherings (as to the provision of four square metres per person in an enclosed room).
  • The café at the MAAC will not be offering a delivery or takeaway service.
  • There are significant challenges for the aquatic operations of the MAAC to implement the social distancing requirements.

Mayor Katrina Humphries acknowledged the disappointment for community members and visitors alike but confirmed that “It’s crucial that we all follow the current health advice – practising social distancing and strict hygiene measures and the new restrictions for gym activities and services where social distancing may be difficult to restrict.

“We have not come to the decision to close the MAAC lightly, but we believe it’s best for the community that we do so.”

The Mayor’s sentiments were echoed by Chair of the MAAC Board, Mick Cikota.

“The situation is changing daily and we have been constantly reviewing our operations and services. The measures announced overnight have prompted the Board to close the facility,” Mr Cikota said.

“We will be in touch with our members regarding their membership and what it means for them in the upcoming days; all direct debit membership have been suspended today.  All upfront memberships and visit passes will receive time extensions for the period of our closures. For further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we thank our members and community for their cooperation.”


