Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Council Operations

Community update 12

With confirmed cases of COVID-19 at our doorstep, we would like to reassure community members that Council is working hard to ensure we can continue to deliver essential services.
Our General Manager is in close contact with his counterparts across the state, which has reassured us that our approach is in step with the NSW local government sector generally.
We are still open and accessible by:

  • Phone 02 6757 3222
  • Through our Facebook page
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Our website www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au

Due to the nature of our operations, we have had a Business Continuity Plan in place for several years. Several weeks ago, this Plan was activated.
Our Crisis Management Team has been liaising regularly. Behind the scenes, we have been taking steps to ensure that our employees are in the best position to continue to deliver essential services to the community whilst managing their health, safety and wellbeing.

This has included:

  • Ensuring that arrangements with our employees are in place so our essential services can continue to be delivered throughout this challenging period.
  • Trialling working from arrangements for delivery of essential services.
  • Delivering our customer service differently through phone and email contact rather than face-to-face meetings.
  • Ensuring that our work in the field (for example, road maintenance works) is delivered in a way to observe the current social distancing requirements of other levels of governments, including splitting staff travelling to worksites etc.
  • Equipping our team in the field with additional PPE to ensure our staff can adopt an adequate and regular hand sanitation practise.
  • Not allowing employees to work with any illness and implementing strict screening requirements prior to returning to work.

We will continue to issue regular advice to the community about service availability.

The information set out in this Media Release is current as at 1.30pm, Monday 30 March 2020.


