Council Helping Businesses to Go-Digital with Masterclass for Affected Businesses
Businesses across the Moree Plains affected by COVID-19 will be able to receive some much needed assistance with transitioning their business to the online marketplace, thanks to the rollout of a free Go-Digital Masterclass by Council.
Led by Council’s Economic Development team and delivered by Regional Development Australia Northern Inland (RDANI), the extensive training has been developed with input from the Moree and District Chamber of Commerce and the Mungindi Progress Association to enable local businesses to get online and sell goods and promote services quickly.
“We are aware just how devastating the COVID-19 Public Health Orders have been to local businesses, with many having to shut their doors to day-to-day trade or move to take-away only,” said Council’s Acting Economic Development and Grants Manager Susannah Pearse.
“This has been a particularly cruel blow following an unprecedented drought, where many businesses were already grappling with a significant reduction in turnover.
“Social Media and digital marketing provides an opportunity to not only continue to service the local community, but also open up the business to new markets and broaden the customer base.
“It’s a means of building a more resilient business, which isn’t so dependent on its bricks and mortar presence or local spend,” said Mrs Pearse.
The free Go-Digital Masterclass program will be delivered over nine weeks in a supportive and interactive format, with a two-hour learning module and a live Q&A session delivered each week via the Zoom online videoconferencing platform. A private Facebook group will also be setup for all participants to ask questions and share information.
Delivered by Regional Development Australia Northern Inland’s digital expert Tiff Gilleland, the content has been designed to get businesses online and driving sales as quickly as possible with modules one to four focusing on Facebook, Instagram, Creating Content and Attracting Customers Online. Attendees will then have a one week break to put into practice what has been learned to date, then move on to Creating a Website, Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation and Attracting Customers Online (part two).
“Boosting your online business skills has never been more critical than right now,” said Ms Gilleland.
“Sometimes it is not just a matter of being on a social media platform or having a retailing website, having the right approach is key to keeping your business going or even growing it. This is particularly the case now, during these extremely challenging times, with the competition for online attention and customers greater now than ever.”
“We are proud to be partnering with the progressive Moree Plains Shire Council to deliver what will be a practical and beneficial program for the local business community,” RDANI Executive Director Nathan Axelsson added.
Groups will be kept small in order to provide an interactive and supportive environment.
In order to respond to immediate demand, the Go-Digital Masterclass will commence Tuesday 21 April 2020, with Module 1 delivered from 9:00am – 11:00am, and again to a separate group from 1:00pm – 3:00pm. The schedule will be as follows:
Module 1 Facebook for Business
Tue 21 April 2020 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Live Q&A Thu 23 April 2020 11am
Module 2 Instagram for Business
Tue 28 April 2020 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Live Q&A Thu 30 April 2020 11am
Module 3 Creating Content to Attract Customers on Facebook and Instagram
Tue 5 May 2020 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Live Q&A Thu 7 May 2020 11am
Module 4 Attracting People Online – Part 1
Tue 12 May 2020 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Live Q&A Thu 14 May 2020 11am
One week break to consolidate learning and put theory into practice
Module 5 Setting up a Website – Part 1
Tue 26 May 2020 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Live Q&A Thu 28 May 2020 11am
Module 6 Setting up a Website – Part 2
Tue 2 June 2020 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Live Q&A Thu 4 June 2020 11am
Module 7 Setting up a Website – Part 3
Tue 9 June 2020 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Live Q&A Thu 4 June 2020 11am
Module 8 Attracting People Online – Part 2
Tue 16 June 2020 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Live Q&A Thu 4 June 2020 11am
Following participant feedback, if required Modules 9 and 10 will be developed to either cover overflow of content or cover additional requested topics.
In order to maintain a supportive and interactive environment places are strictly limited, however a wait list will be taken for cancellations or should another Go-Digital Masterclass be able to be offered.
To register their interest, businesses are encouraged to go to to complete a simple Expression of Interest survey and advise their preferred time slot. Positions in the Go-Digital Masterclass will be allocated to businesses based on criteria including impacts of COVID-19 on their business and potential benefit created by undertaking the training.
Please note that businesses will have to nominate one (1) employee to participate in the Go-Digital Masterclass.
Expressions of Interest strictly close 5pm Wednesday 15 April 2020.