Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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NOW OPEN In the Moree Plains - COVID-19 - Community Update 19

From Monday 22 June 2020, more public areas and council services will be open across the Moree Plains to the public with increased cleaning and social distancing measures in place. 

The initial closure of facilities and services aligned with the State Government’s enforcement of health restrictions to discourage gatherings and reduce the spread of COVID-19.    

Members of the public are urged to exercise caution when using facilities and to continue to adhere to social distancing requirements and restrictions on outdoor gatherings of 20 people or less. With our new cleaning regime, please take care when using the equipment after spraying has occurred; in the cooler months, certain pieces of equipment may still be slightly wet and slippery until it dries out in the morning sun.

Details of the facilities which are now open are detailed below:


Both Boughton Oval and Ron Harborne Oval are open to personal training sessions and group fitness classes upon booking with Council. Council is also working with sporting groups who wish to resume training. Please contact Council’s Engineering Services for requirements regarding bookings for training purposes on these ovals on 6757 3222.

OPEN Spilsbury Park (from Monday 22 June 2020)

✅ Increased cleaning of equipment.

✅ BYO hand sanitiser.

❌ No birthday parties or other parties or organised gatherings permitted.

❌ No water bubblers.

OPEN Jacaranda Park (from Monday 22 June 2020)

✅ Increased cleaning of equipment.

✅ BYO hand sanitiser.

❌ No public toilets.

❌ No BBQs.

❌ No birthday parties or other parties or organised gatherings permitted.

❌ No water bubblers.

OPEN Village Playgrounds (from Tuesday 23 June 2020)

Ashley, Biniguy, Boggabilla, Boomi, Garah, Gurley, Mungindi, Pallamallawa and Weemelah

✅ Increased cleaning of equipment.

✅ BYO hand sanitiser.

❌ Public toilets are only open at Mungindi and Garah.

❌ No BBQs.

❌ No birthday parties or other parties or organised gatherings permitted.

❌ No water bubblers.

Other Public Toilets across the Shire

  • Balo Street Public Toilet
  • Jellicoe Park, Warialda Street Public Toilet
  • Webb Avenue Public Toilets
  • Kirkby Park (Rocket Park) Public Toilets
  • Apex Park Public Toilet
  • Mungindi Public Toilets
  • Garah Public Toilets

OPEN Moree Customer Service Centre

Our Customer Service Centre at the Max Centre is open for face-to-face transactions by appointment. To book a time to visit the Customer Service Centre please call (02) 6757 3222 to speak with a customer service staff member. Walk-in customers are asked to call Customer Service prior to entering level 2 to ensure the permitted number of patrons is not exceeded.

Customers are still encouraged to contact Customer Service to make payments or address enquiries over the phone or by email. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (02) 6757 3222.

OPEN Moree Community Library (open since 9 June 2020)

The Moree Community Library is now open under restricted business hours to members only. Before visiting the library members should be mindful of the following:

  • Business hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-3pm.
  • A limit of 10 patrons are permitted in the building at any time.
  • Members must register their attendance at the front counter upon entry.
  • Access is restricted to the ground floor only.
  • A limited number of PCs will be available for 30min bookings per Member/day.
  • No face to face programs will be provided.
  • Returns are subject to a quarantine period of at least 24 hours.
  • Social distancing floor stickers indicate a 1.5m distance for people queuing at service points.
  • Members are encouraged to use the self-service kiosk to borrow items and renew their loans.
  • Call and collect and home delivery will continue to operate.
  • Members are asked to continue to use the external chute for all return items.
  • Increased cleaning will be conducted by professional cleaners at the library.

OPEN Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre

The Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre is now open from Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm, all visitors must register their attendance providing their phone number and name upon entry for the purposes of contact tracing.  Visitors should be mindful of the following:

  • A limit of 10 patrons are permitted in the building at any time.
  • Visitors are requested to use the hand sanitiser upon entry.
  • Visitors should follow the arrows that direct the flow through the exhibitions, floor markings and signage have been installed to help visitors maintain safe distances.
  • The Dhiiyaan library, archive and study room is closed to the public.
  • Any documents requested from the archive room will be retrieved by staff only, staff require 5 days’ notice to retrieve materials to allow time to research.
  • PCs are available to use for 30min bookings; sessions will commence from 10am with entry to the final session at 4pm.
  • Groups of 10 will be by appointment only.

For more information, please call the Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre on 67521346.

OPEN Moree Skate Park (open since 26 May 2020)

✅ BYO hand sanitiser.

✅ Public toilet facilities (with handwashing facilities) open at Rocket Park.

❌ No birthday parties or other parties or organised gatherings permitted.

OPEN Kirkby Park (Rocket Park) and Outdoor Gym Equipment (open since 26 May 2020)

✅ Increased cleaning of equipment.

✅ BYO hand sanitiser.

✅ Public Toilets (with handwashing facilities) open.

❌ No BBQs.

❌ No birthday parties or other parties or organised gatherings permitted.

❌ No water bubblers.

OPEN Apex Park (open since 26 May 2020)

✅ Increased cleaning of equipment.

✅ BYO hand sanitiser.

✅ Public Toilets (with handwashing facilities) open.

❌ No BBQs.

❌ No birthday parties or other parties or organised gatherings permitted.

❌ No water bubblers.

OPEN Mungindi Playground (open since 26 May 2020)

✅ Increased cleaning of equipment.

✅ BYO hand sanitiser.

✅ Public Toilets (with handwashing facilities) open.

❌ No birthday parties or other parties or organised gatherings permitted.

Waste Collection

The waste collection service is operating as usual with general waste (red bin) collected weekly and recycling (yellow bin) and organic (green bin) waste collected on a fortnightly alternative basis.

Waste Facilities

All waste facilities, including the Moree Waste Management Facility and our village landfills, are open in accordance with their usual operating hours and operating under social distancing requirements.

Please be mindful that we are focussed on maintenance of our essential services. We kindly request that community members do not present to our waste facilities with large quantities of domestic general, recycling and organic waste as this may affect our ability to deliver our core waste services.

Water and Sewer Operations

The provision of treated potable water and sewer operations across the Shire are of highest priority. There are no changes to this service at this time.

Gwydir Daycare and Preschool

This facility remains open and specific advice has been provided to families which use this service.

Moree Pound

The Moree Pound is currently open and operating under its usual hours, although operating practises are changing to reduce face-to-face interactions. Payments will need to be made over the phone or electronically.

Unless otherwise noted, all other Council facilities are closed to the general public until further notice.


The information set out in this Media Release is current as at 12.00pm on Monday 22 June 2020. 
