Encouraging Creative Kids to Recycle Right - Truck Art Competition
Students across Moree Plains Shire are encouraged to get creative and submit designs for the 2020 Truck Art Competition run in collaboration with Moree Plains Shire Council and Cleanaway.
The theme for this year’s competition is ‘be green, keep your recycling clean’, with the winning design to be displayed on local council waste collection trucks and the school-aged artist will be awarded a $150 Love Local Gift Card.
Moree Plains Shire Council’s Temporary Waste Manager, Victoria Dawson, is excited to be running the competition and looking forward to seeing the artistic flair of students across the Shire.
“This competition was run three years ago with great success. In that year the theme focused on the organic recycling ‘green lid’ bin with our winner creatively illustrating that food scraps can go into the green bin which is then mulched by Cleanaway and turned into compost for the garden. That winning artwork is still on the some of the trucks today.
“This time, we’re asking students to demonstrate what items can go in the recycling ‘yellow lid’ bin and how simple it can be to recycle right. Draw on the theme ‘be green, keep your recycling clean’ and help spread the message of recycling correctly.
“The competition is currently open until Monday 31 August 2020 to all children in Kindergarten to Year 12 across Moree Plains Shire, and entries must be submitted on a flat A4 paper in a landscape format or a digital pdf file”, explained Ms Dawson.
Each entry will be individually judged by Moree Plains Shire Council and Cleanaway employees and the winner will be selected based on their artistic creativity and how well they depicted the competition theme.
All entrants should complete the competition entry form and submit their design and form to Cleanaway by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to:
Jacqui Norrie
PO Box 159, Moree 2400
All children who attend a school throughout the Moree Plains are eligible to enter, only one entry per individual will be accepted.
For inspiration on recycling right
Acceptable Recycling Contents
What to place in your Recycling Bin
Photograph: Entry form for Truck Art Competition.