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Have your Say - Draft Plan of Management

Community Land – Parks, Sportsgrounds, General Community Use

Moree Plains Shire Council’s draft Plan of Management for Community Land - Parks, Sportsgrounds and General Community Use and Natural Areas (Draft Plan of Management) is now on public exhibition for 28 days and open for comment, with written submissions to be accepted until 5pm Friday 25 September 2020.

The Local Government Act requires a Plan of Management to be prepared for all public land that is classified as ‘community’ land under that Act. The Draft Plan of Management outlines community land categorised as either natural area, park, sportsground, area of cultural significance, or general community use areas, and clarifies how Council will manage, use or develop the land in the future.

The Draft Plan of Management includes many of the Council’s open spaces and parks ensuring consistent management of such spaces, which supports a cohesive approach to meeting the diverse needs of the community. The community land covered by the Draft Plan of Management is identified in the schedules in Appendix A and Appendix B.

The public exhibition period is an opportunity for community members to provide written submissions regarding the proposed management or future development of community land outlined in the Draft Plan of Management.

Council’s Acting Director of Corporate Services, Andrew Probert, has commented on the significance of the draft plan.

“Community land supports important aspects of community life and is valued and appreciated by residents, workers, and visitors to the Shire of Moree Plains.

“Community land may include a wide variety of properties, ranging from small recreation reserves to iconic parks, and in some instances buildings.

“Council considers it very important to obtain feedback regarding the plans for future management of community land to ensure the needs of our community are met”, Mr Probert said.

Your feedback and comments are welcomed by 5pm Friday, 25 September 2020 and can be submitted to:

The General Manager
Moree Plains Shire Council
PO Box 420
Moree NSW 2400

Comments can also be submitted to Council by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Council’s Commercial Services and Risk Manager team on 6757 3222.
