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Bring in 2021 with a Bang! - Public Donations Fund Now Open

Kick 2021 off with a bang with financial assistance from Council for your community, sporting and educational group!MPSC financial assistance grant donation

Community, sporting and educational groups across the Moree Plains are invited to secure funding from the Public Donations fund for the January – March quarter to help sponsor their next event, purchase new equipment or otherwise fund the provision of services for activities within the Shire.

A whopping $20,000 is up for grabs with two rounds of funding to be determined by Council in January 2021, with only one round of funding having been offered thus far this financial year following restrictions placed on face-to-face Council meetings earlier this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Katrina Humphries, Moree Plains Shire Council’s Mayor highlighted that the public donations funding is an opportunity for groups within the Moree Plains Shire to secure sponsorship and support from Council.

Bring in 2021 with a Bang! - Public Donations Fund Now Open

Kick 2021 off with a bang with financial assistance from Council for your community, sporting and educational group!MPSC financial assistance grant donation

Community, sporting and educational groups across the Moree Plains are invited to secure funding from the Public Donations fund for the January – March quarter to help sponsor their next event, purchase new equipment or otherwise fund the provision of services for activities within the Shire.

A whopping $20,000 is up for grabs with two rounds of funding to be determined by Council in January 2021, with only one round of funding having been offered thus far this financial year following restrictions placed on face-to-face Council meetings earlier this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Katrina Humphries, Moree Plains Shire Council’s Mayor highlighted that the public donations funding is an opportunity for groups within the Moree Plains Shire to secure sponsorship and support from Council.

“I encourage all groups throughout the Shire to apply for funding from the public donations pool”, said Mayor Humphries.

“Over the years we have helped sporting groups purchase new equipment, sponsored events such as Moree on a Plate, provided funding for scholarships, supported BAMM’s portrait prize competition, supported our elderly and sick, plus much more.

“With two rounds available for initiatives taking place throughout the first few months of next year, we are excited to see how and who we can continue to support in our community with this funding”, said Mayor Humphries.

Applicants must complete and submit a Public Donations Application Form no later than 5pm on Friday 18 December 2020 for Public Donations for the period from January to March 2021.

In accordance with Council’s Public Donations Policy, applications received after the deadline will not be considered until Council’s first meeting in April.

Applications will be presented to the Council at its meeting on 28 January 2021.

A copy of the Public Donations Application Form and the Council’s Public Donations Policy.


