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Thank you and farewell Mayor Katrina Humphries

After 13 years in office, Mayor Katrina Humphries retires from Council today. She has achieved much in her time in the position and has set the Moree Plains up for a prosperous future. We thank Cr Humphries for everything she has done. She will be missed.

Mayor Katrina HumphriesBeginnings

As part of the fourth generation of her family in the Moree Plains, Cr Humphries grew up close to Garah and has lived in the area all her life.
In 1994, and with her husband, she opened the eatery Fishabout in Moree. The business is still going strong today and she used to divide her time between running it and being mayor.
First elected as mayor in 2008, Cr Humphries led by example and encouraged Council to operate as a team. She believed that respecting each other provided the best outcome in any situation.

Standard & Poor’s Lawsuit

One of the first things Cr Humphries dealt with as mayor was the Standard & Poor’s lawsuit.
Alongside nearly 100 other Australian institutions, Moree Plains Shire Council had finances invested in Lehman Brothers - a bank backed by Standard & Poor’s, one of the world’s leading financial services companies. Because of the 2007–08 Global Financial Crisis, the bank suffered heavily and eventually failed, losing around $300 million in investment.
In true David versus Goliath style, Cr Humphries and Council, with the other Australian groups, pursued legal action against Standard & Poor’s.
The lawsuit went on for six long years going through America’s court system. In February 2016, Council and the others had won the fight and a settlement agreement was worked out.
Reflecting on the case Cr Humphries stated, “You don’t stuff with bush people”.

Crime Prevention

In the early 2010s, the Moree Plains was experiencing a small crime wave. Cr Humphries and Council worked hard to put a stop to it.
After heavily campaigning to the Federal Government, Council received a $446,136 grant from the National Crime Prevention Fund. It was used to install better lighting and security cameras in Moree and Boggabilla. The problems went away quickly.
Cr Humphries liked the irony that the National Crime Prevention Fund grant came from criminals busted by the police and that “there’s a certain justice in that”


After a decade of drought, in November 2011 and then again in February 2012, the Shire was inundated with its worst floods since the 1970s. The same ferocity of water occurred again in March 2021.
Cr Humphries has never been afraid to get her hands dirty and she set the leadership example needed in all three crises. When Moree and many of the villages were cut off from supplies, she rallied, organised and did whatever she could to make people safe and keep morale up.
Shortly after the 2012 floods, Council won an award because the Shire had shown the greatest relative progress of any NSW Local Government Area for the 2011–12 Financial Year. This happened even after a long drought and two major floods. Upon accepting the award, Cr Humphries said, “Moree, I assure you, is a Council that punches above its weight”.

Mayor Katrina HumphriesCountry Mayors Association

Cr Humphries served as the chair for the NSW Country Mayors Association (CMA) from 2016 to 2020. The CMA represents nearly 70 regional, rural and seaside councils and together they pool resources in matters that affect their communities.
In the position, she helped spearhead initiatives such as in 2019, when working alongside Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall, united Local Government representatives and saved the jobs of 182 rural energy industry workers.

COVID-19 Pandemic

Like everywhere else in Australia and the world, Moree has been impacted by COVID-19. The last couple of years have been hard with positive case spikes, lockdowns and uncertainty.
Through her “Message from the Mayor” and public appearances, Cr Humphries has guided our community through the ordeal. She’s been a strong voice advocating for funds, resources and services we so desperately required.
When towns like Mungindi and Boggabilla were cut off from basic needs, after Queensland closed their side of the border, she played a big part in championing the border bubble. Because of it, people could again access much-needed necessities and services.

KH3Towards the Future

As Mayor, Cr Humphries has been involved in projects that benefit all of the Moree Plains.
Recently announced that its contract has been extended for another three years, the QantasLink, with 12 flights a week, makes it easier than ever before to travel between Moree and Sydney.
Inland Rail is a 1,700 km long goods train line that will service Melbourne and Brisbane, and everywhere in between. When completed, Inland Rail will make transporting products faster and cheaper. Moree is one of its destinations.
The Special Activation Precinct (SAP) is a 40-year long project that will develop the Shire’s major industries, like agriculture. Not only will it create new jobs, attract new businesses and investments but the SAP will boost the local economy over time. With a 13-year spanning career as Moree Plains’ Mayor, Cr Humphries has held the position for the longest in history. The great work and effort she has put in will be felt for generations to come.

Thank you again, Mayor Humphries, from all of us.


