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Memorandum Of Understanding – Cross Border Collaborative Working Arrangement

Mayor Johnson and Mayor SpringborgMayor Mark Johnson and Goondiwindi’s Mayor Lawrence Springborg signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the Moree Plains Shire Council Chambers, 9 November 2023 to formalise the shared vision of a commitment to working together for the betterment of the border region local government areas of Goondiwindi Regional Council (GRC) and Moree Plains Shire Council (MPSC).

The parties hope that this MoU may help alleviate, at least in part, some of the difficulties when navigating bureaucracy, disaster response coordination, planning and development, joint training activities and cross-council working groups.

Mayor Mark Johnson noted “The document formalises the significant relationship between our two Councils and provides a firm commitment from both bodies to work collaboratively for the collective good. Both of our Councils have so much in common and it just makes good sense for us to unite wherever we can, whether that be through shared services or advocacy we are better together”.

The MoU remains valid for a period of five years and includes a commitment to working collaboratively to achieve, more specifically outcomes for the betterment of the towns of Boggabilla and Toomelah.

Photo - Moree Plains Shire Council, Mayor Mark Johnson and Goondiwindi Regional Council, Mayor Lawrence Springborg signing the MoU.


