Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Disability Awareness Survey

QRCode for MOREE PLAINS DISABILITY AWARENESS SURVEYMoree Plains Shire Council is currently developing a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (the Plan).

The Plan aims to ensure that people with a disability have every opportunity to fully participate in the social, community and business life of Moree Plains Shire.
The Plan will focus on:

  • Promoting positive community attitudes and behaviours
  • Creating liveable communities
  • Supporting access to meaningful employment
  • Improving our systems and processes

Council is actively looking for the involvement and input of the community to collaboratively create and implement initiatives aimed at enhancing Disability Inclusion within the community by completing this survey. This engagement underscores the council's commitment to fostering a more inclusive environment for individuals with disabilities, and they value the collective effort of the community in achieving this goal.

As a token of our appreciation for your participation, all completed surveys will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $100 Love Local Gift Card.

Direct link to survey


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