Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Community Strategic Plan (CSP) Engagement


Community Strategic PlanThe council invites the community to create a shared vision for the Shire to help develop the Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

The CSP, called 'Our Moree Plains – Our Vision to 2036' is a plan that identifies the priorities and goals for our Shire. The Council is required to review the plan with the community after each Local Government Election.
We have launched an online survey for everyone to participate in along with an art competition for the children to take part in.

Please click the link below to take part in the Survey.

The CSP is the most important document we prepare as a Council. It guides all of Council’s activities for the Council term and outlines what our community wants for the next 10 years. So, if there’s something you would like for the Moree Plains, now is the time to tell us!

It also details how we will measure success in delivering the plan and lists the other agencies and organisations in our community that we will partner with to achieve the community’s shared vision.

Everyone who completes a printed or online survey will go in the draw to win one of five $50 Love Local Gift Cards.

Download the kitchen table kit

Where can you find us to participate in Sharing your Vision for the Moree Plains Shire

The following locations and events allow members of the community to participate beyond completing the survey.

December 2024

Sunday 15 - Come along, and see us at the Jellicoe Markets, Moree
Tuesday 17 - The Flock, Mungindi

January 2025

Wednesday 15 - The Pallamallawa Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Friday 17 - Boggabilla colour run and water play pop-up
Thursday 23 - Moree Balo Square pop-up (TBC) 10am  to 1pm
Tuesday 28 - The Ashley Town Hall Workshop (TBC) 6pm to 7:30pm

February 2025

Tuesday 4 - Bus Tour Moree, Garah, Mungindi, Boomi
Thursday 6 - In person Moree workshop 7:30am to 9am
Thursday 13 - Business Breakfast (TBC)  7:30am to 9am

Have your kids enter our art competition

 We are asking children to 'Draw their vision for the future of the Moree Plains Shire'.
 Entries must represent the entrant’s ideas and vision for Moree Plains and what they hope to see for the Shire.
Entries will be judged in age categories with $150 Love Local gift cards up for grabs.
Entries can be drawings, paintings, or digital art but should be no larger than an A3 piece of paper.

Commencing 29 November 2024 until 14 February 2025.
For age categories: 4 to 11 years and 12 to 16 years.

Please view the Terms and Conditions

A4 entry form 

 A3 entry form 


 Images - Photo by Eliza Watts entrant in the 2024 My Moree photography competition.

