- Published: Monday, 29 July 2024 18:19
Local Government Election 2024
The 2024 NSW Local Government elections will be held on Saturday, September 14 but early voting will open from Saturday, September 7 at the Moree Masonic Centre 23 Chester Street, Moree NSW 2400
Local Government is an elected system of government directly accountable to the local community. The elected representatives, known as Councillors, work together to provide good governance for the benefit of the Moree Plains community.
Council election
Under the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), council elections are held on the second Saturday in September every four years. By-elections are conducted periodically when a vacancy occurs. Voting in council elections is compulsory.
The next council election for Moree Plains Shire will be held on Saturday, 14 September 2024. The NSW Electoral Commission will administer the election of the Moree Plains Shire Council.
The Moree Plains Shire Council comprises nine councillors elected by popular vote. The Mayor is elected by the Council from among the Councillors for a term of two years. The Council may also elect a Deputy-Mayor.
Electoral roll - Residential roll
When you enrol to vote in Federal or State elections you will automatically be included on the residential roll for the council area you live in.
Electoral roll - Non-residential roll
The non-residential roll provides people who are non-resident owners, occupiers, and rate paying lessees of rateable land, an opportunity to have a say in who is elected to council. You may be eligible to vote as a non-resident in the upcoming Moree Plains Shire Council elections.
You must be eligible to vote in Federal or State elections to be on a non-residential roll.
You are eligible to vote as a non-resident in a ward or council area if you are:
- an owner of rateable land in the ward or council area; or
- an occupier or rate-paying lessee of rateable land in the ward or council area.
Non-residential rolls are prepared and certified by each council's general manager, and the NSW Electoral Commissioner must confirm that the voters listed are eligible for enrolment on the non-residential roll. However, you are responsible for checking that you are eligible for inclusion in the non-residential roll for a council or ward when you make an application.
We recommend you get independent advice if you are unsure about whether you are eligible to apply or not. It is your responsibility to check that you are eligible for inclusion when you make an application.
You can apply to be included on the non-residential roll of the Moree Plains Shire by completing the form below. Applications to be included on the non-residential roll must be received by the General Manager no later than 6:00pm on Monday, 5 August 2024.
- Application form for nomination of an elector by joint/several, corporate or trustee owners, occupiers or ratepaying lessees
- Application form for individual owners, occupiers and ratepaying lessees
Helpful links