Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Media Releases

Thinking of running as a Councillor?

Are you interested in getting involved and influencing what happens in your local community? Consider becoming a Councillor.

Councillors play a very important community leadership role and influence the decisions that council makes about what happens in our community. Councillors influence change by being part of the decision-making process.

Councillors, in partnership with Council staff, are part of a team that shapes the strategic direction of the Shire and determines the policies for the services delivered to the community Councillors are an important part of:

◾ determining local government policies
◾ developing and monitoring strategic plans and budgets
◾ making sure the Councils resources are used fairly for the benefit of all community members; and
◾ overseeing the allocation of the local government’s finances and resources.

You could be a Moree Plains Shire Councillor if you are:

◾ Interested in improving your community;
◾ 18 years or over on election day; and
◾ A resident or ratepayer of Moree Plains Under the Local Government Act, you may be disqualified or ineligible to stand for Council if you do not meet certain criteria.

Individuals that get elected at the local government elections will receive council-based training and other support to help them understand and be successful in the role. Council will meet some expenses including training, conferences, travel and provide tools such as telephones and office equipment to use for Council business.

Council provide support to help Councillors who have a disability or other special needs. To recognise what Councillors, do for their community, individuals receive an annual fee, paid monthly, from Council. Moree Plains Shire Council will be running pre-election information session on “Becoming a Councillor” with opportunities to discuss the roles and responsibilities of Councillors in their communities.

Prospective candidates can check out https://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/public/my-local-council/become-a-councillor


