- Published: Wednesday, 12 June 2024 12:39
Moree LGA Youth Crime Governance Group gathers for the First Time with a Vision to Improve Community Safety and Reduce Youth Crime
Moree Shire Plains Council is proud to be a member of the newly formed Moree LGA Youth Crime Governance Group, co-chaired by the Moree Local Aboriginal Land Council and Premier’s Department.
Brought together at the end of May, the Group will share decision-making with the NSW Government on solutions to reduce youth crime, better support young people and improve community safety across the Moree LGA.
This approach aligns with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, and recognises the importance of local decision-making, capability building and shared data governance with the Moree Aboriginal community.
Council is excited to work in strong partnership with the group, which includes an alliance of Aboriginal organisations recently formed in Moree, two Aboriginal community representatives as well as NSW Police Force, Just Reinvest, Aboriginal Legal Service, Aboriginal Affairs and Youth Justice.
In its first meeting, the Group deliberated and agreed on an innovative two-stream funding approach to allocate the $1m announced by NSW Government to boost after-hours activities for young people and the desired outcomes from this funding. To prevent conflicts of interest, the Group will not be involved in developing specific assessment criteria for this funding or assessing funding applications.
The Group also agreed to jointly analyse the data from community listening sessions undertaken by Premier’s Department with more than 100 community members, including young people, their parents/caregivers and families, youth service providers, housing providers, social enterprises, business leaders and civil society groups. A report of key findings will be made publicly available.
A place-based response in Moree
On 12 March 2024, the NSW Government announced a $13.4m package of initiatives to address youth crime, support young people and improve community safety in Moree. Initiatives included:
- $1m funding for 2024-25 to deliver after hours activities
- A new Bail Accommodation and Support Service
- A service review and Youth Crime Action Plan
- Additional judicial resources and an increase in NSW Police operations
The Group is responsible for representing the voices of community, young people and victims, analysing data to build a shared understanding, and deciding on innovative ways to deliver each of these initiatives.
Importantly, the Group will be accountable to community for its decisions. Outcomes are widely shared with community after each meeting, and where community members have questions, they can contact the group by emailing Moree Local Aboriginal Land Council at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or the Premiers Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Mark Johnson, Mayor, Moree Plains Shire Council
“Addressing youth crime in Moree needs a whole of community effort and this group will be key to ensuring local views inform the delivery of meaningful, appropriate and sustainable responses to reduce crime.”
“It’s important to the success of this work with the Premier’s Department that there is a shared sense of ownership for these issues with the community.”
“The Group has done a great job of coming together in the spirit of shared decision-making and Council is proud to be part of this. It’s fantastic to see progress on the allocation of funding for after-hours activities, which centres on the needs of young people and will boost the valuable work of local community members and organisations”.
Steve McIntosh, CEO, Moree LALC
“The Moree Local Aboriginal Land Council is delighted to be co-chairing the Governance Group alongside the Premiers Department. We are keen to work with Council and other members to better support young people across the community”.
“As the cultural knowledge holders in Moree, the LALC welcomes this opportunity to bring key stakeholders and community together to expand opportunities for our young people, and empower them”.
Moree LGA Youth Crime Governance Group members include:
- Steve McIntosh, Moree Local Aboriginal Land Council
- Pia van de Zandt, Premiers Department
- Donna Taylor, Pius X Aboriginal Medical Service
- Katie Smith, SHAE Academy
- Lorilie Haines, Abcare
- Keira French, Birribee Housing
- Denise Ranby, Thiyama-li Family Violence
- Mark Syron, Maayu Mali
- Kelvin Tytherleigh, Moree Plains Shire Council
- Inspector Helen McWilliam, Moree NSWPF
- Mekayla Cochrane, Just Reinvest NSW
- Aboriginal Legal Service
- Toni Johnston, Aboriginal Affairs NSW
- Carol Thomas, Youth Justice NSW
- Dawn Blanch, community representative
- Peter Duncan, community representative