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Plumbing and Drainage

Codes and Standards

NSW Fair Trading became the state’s single plumbing and drainage regulator for all on-site plumbing and drainage work from 1 January 2013. In regional areas such as Moree, Fair Trading has delegated the inspection and enforcement powers to Councils, so all plumbers and drainers should continue to contact us to book inspections, pay inspection fees, submit documentation and for enquiries.

While Council will continue to undertake inspection and enforcement of plumbing and drainage work, there have been a number of changes under the reforms designed to provide a more consistent approach to the regulation and licensing of plumbing and drainage work in NSW.

Who can undertake plumbing and drainage work?

As part of the plumbing regulatory framework, Fair Trading licenses plumbers and drainers under the Home Building Act 1989, and all plumbing and drainage work must be completed by a person who holds a licence, qualified supervisor certificate or tradesperson certificate.

Codes and Standards

The Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) is the new technical standard for all plumbing and drainage work in NSW. All plumbing and drainage work in NSW must comply with the PCA.

The new Code replaces the more prescriptive NSW Code of Practice for Plumbing and Drainage and other local requirements. The PCA sets out performance requirements for the design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance or plumbing and drainage installations.

The Code AS/NZS 3500, and it has two provisions that plumbers and drainers can work to and achieve code compliance. One option is for the work to be done under the ‘Deemed to Satisfy’ provision which means that it has been done in accordance with AS/NZS 3500. The other is the performance based provision where work (usually designed by a hydraulic engineer or consultant) meets or exceeds the requirements of AS/NZS 3500.

Plumbers and drainers can get copies of the PCA from the Australian Building Codes Board at www.abcb.gov.au

Documents and forms

As part of the reforms, plumbers and drainers are required to submit the following documents at certain stages of the work.

  • 1. Notice of Work is to be issued to the regulator no later than 2 business days before the work concerned is carried ou
  • 2. Certificate of Compliance is to be issued to the regulator and to the person for whom the work was carried out, on completion of the final inspectio
  • 3. Sewer Service Diagram is to be issued to the regulator and the owner of the land or the owner's agent

Note: For help and commonly asked questions with the Sewer Service Diagram please refer to the Sewer Service Diagram Requirements

Moree Plains Shire Council has required the submission of our own standard compliance certificate and drainage diagrams for some time now. Our local requirements will now be replaced by the above documents required by Fair Trading.

For more information

For more information please refer to the NSW Fair Trading website.


