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Plumbing and Drainage

Strategic Planning

Local Environmental Plan

I want to Rezone my Land  

Development Control Plan

Local Infrastructure Contributions

Moree Plains Growth Management Strategy

Local Environmental Plan

The aim of the Moree Plains Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011 is to guide planning decisions for Moree Plains Local Government Area through zoning and development controls, which provide a framework for the way land can be used.  The LEP is the main planning tool to shape the future of communities and also ensure local development is done appropriately.

The most recent version of the LEP (document and maps) are available on the NSW legislation website that is maintained by NSW Parliamentary Counsel.


I want to Rezone my Land

To amend Local Environmental Plans (LEP) a legislative process is followed in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. A request to amend the LEP is also known as a rezoning application or planning proposal.

This process involves a number of steps that include Council assessment, public and government agency consultation and approval from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. An overview of this process is provided below.

Steps to initiate the request for amendment of the Moree Plains Local Environmental Plan 2011

Step 1 – Initial discussion with Strategic Planner

Complete the Request to Amend Local Environmental Plan Form  in accordance with the advice received from the Pre-Lodgement Advice Meeting. This request will also include a planning proposal which explains the intended effect of a proposed LEP and justifies the amendment of the LEP.

Lodge the Request to Amend Local Environmental Plans form with Council including the payment of stage one fees in accordance with Council's Fees and Charges Schedule . 


Development Control Plan

A Development Control Plan (DCP) provides specific, more comprehensive guidelines for certain types of development, or area specific requirements for localities. A DCP is important in the planning system because it provides a flexible means of identifying additional development controls and standards for addressing development issues at a local level.

The Moree Plains Development Control Plan 2013 (the DCP) was adopted by Moree Plains Shire Council on 31 January 2013 and became effective 18 April 2013.

The second amendment to include the Blueberry Chapter was adopted by Moree Plains Shire Council on 9 May 2013 and became effective 30 May 2013.


Local Infrastructure Contributions

Section 94A Development Contribution Plan

Council has the ability to collect contributions for the provision of local infrastructure and facilities under section 94A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This generally occurs through the development assessment process whereby Council can place conditions on certain types of development to require the levy of these contributions.

Section 94A contributions enables Councils to seek funds from developers towards the provision, extension or augmentation of public amenities and services. It is an essential service to ensure adequate provision of infrastructure to serve the needs of our growing population.

Councils Section 94A Development Contribution Plan outlines the process for the collecting and expending local infrastructure contributions.


Section 94A Devlopment Contribution Plan - Traffic Generating Development

Damage to bitumen and gravel road pavements due to heavy vehicles from traffic generating developments is a significant impact on the public roads and Council's budget. Where a development has proposed that heavy vehicles use the public roads in the Shire and the existing road maintenance schedule is inadequate to carry the additional load, a contribution will be sought from the proposed development towards the cost of maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of the road network.

The NSW Land and Environment Court has recognised the significant impact that road haulage vehicles associated with traffic generating developments and in particular extractive industries have on the public road system, beyond the normal usage by the general public, and accordingly has accepted that Section 94 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979 is an appropriate mechanism for the levy of contributions for the upgrading and rehabilitation of effected public roads.

Section 94 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979 enables Council to levy contributions from developers for the provision of public amenities and services required as a consequence of development.

Section 94 Development Contribution Plan – Traffic Generating Development


Moree Plains Growth Management Strategy

The Growth Management Strategy  will provide a future direction for the settlements and land within the shire.

This document provides a description of the physical, social and economic environment of the Shire as well as the planning context. The development pattern of the Shire is described and the issues during the future of the shire have been discussed. Finally, analysis of these issues has been carried out to provide a set of options, The strategy then makes a number of recommendations for future action.



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