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Agenda and Minutes

Business Papers from 2019

Adopted Minutes
January 24  Ordinary Council Meeting
 NSW Natural Disaster Essential Public Asset Restoration Guidelines
 NSW Farm Gate Access Pilot
 Farm Gate Access Practitioners Guide
 Farm Gate - Self Assessment Procedure and Checklist
 Late Report
 B. Report 40 Frome Street
 C. Mayoral Minute - Special Activation Precinct
 Adopted Minutes  
  24  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services Committee  Adopted Minutes  
February 14  Ordinary Council Meeting
 Report 1 MPSC Moree Landfill Lifespan Assesment Report
 Report 2 Austrak Concrete Sleeper Manufacturing Facility project brief
 Report 3 Planning Proposal Additional Use of Land Lot 319 Drive In Road
 Adopted Minutes  
  14  Committee Meeting - Strategic Asset and Works  Adopted Minutes  
  21  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance
 Operational Plan 2018-2019 Quarter 2 Report
 Adopted Minutes  
  28  Ordinary Council Meeting
 Attachment 5. Moree Plains Stategic Business Plan Final
 Notice of Motion - Councillor Greg Smith-Procurement Practices
 Adopted Minutes  
  28  Council Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services Committee  Adopted Minutes  
March 14  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
 2. Attachment 1 – Draft Meeting Code of Practice – Marked Version
 3. Attachment 2 Draft Meeting Code of Practice – Clean Version
Adopted Minutes  
  14  Committee Meeting – Strategic Assets and Works  Adopted Minutes  
  21  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance
Operational Plan 2018-2019 Quarter 3 Report
  28  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper Adopted Minutes  
  28  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services  Adopted Minutes  
April 11  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper Adopted Minutes  
  11  Committee Meeting - Strategic Assets and Works  Adopted Minutes  
  18  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance
 Operational Plan 2018-2019 Quarter 3 Report
  25  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper    
  25  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services    
May 09  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper  Adopted Minutes  
  09  Committee Meeting - Strategic Assets and Works  Adopted Minutes  
  16  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance  Agenda  
  23  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
 Council Meeting - Ordinary Council Meeting
• Report 3 – Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Annual Report & Determination Gazette
• Report 7 – Adoption of Volume 3 Floodplain Risk Management Plan Attachments
• Report 7 – Draft Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Committee Meeting
 Adopted Minutes  
  23  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services  Adopted Minutes  
June 13  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
Report A - Mayoral Minute 
Report B - Confidential Sale of Land - Lot 17 Section 17 DP
Report C - Moree Gateway Subdivsion Plan 
 Adopted Minutes  
  13   Council Meeting - Strategic Asset and Works Committee
 Attachment -  Strategic Business Plan for Water Supply and Sewerage Services
 Adopted Minutes  
  20  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance    
  27  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper  Adopted Minutes  
  27  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services  Agenda  
July 11  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper  Adopted Minutes  
  11  Committee Meeting - Strategic Assets and Works  Adopted Minutes  
  18  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance  Cancelled  
  25  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
A. Mayoral Minute – Confidential – Litigation Update
B. Late Report – Civic Precinct Redevelopment
B. Late Report – Attachment A
B. Late Report – Attachment B
 Adopted Minutes  
  25  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services  Adopted Minutes  
August 08

Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
RCF17R1L00029_Moree Civic Precinct Stage 1 Business Case
Pages from 2019 01 24 Public Business Paper Ordinary Council Meeting 24 January 2019
A. Mayoral Minute - Save our Recycling Campaign

 Adopted Minutes  
  08  Committee Meeting - Strategic Assets and Works  Cancelled  
  15  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance
 Operational Plan 2018-2019 Quarter 4 Report
Carry Over Project - Attachment 1
Carry Over Project - Attachment 2
Carry Over Project - Attachment 3
 Draft Minutes  
  22  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
 A. Late Report Confidential Public Version - Sale of Council Land - Wheelers Block Moree
 Adopted Minutes  
  22  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services  Adopted Minutes  
September 12  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
 A. Notice of Motion - Moree Cycle Project
 B. Confidential Late Report - NSW State Emergency Services
 Adopted Minutes  
  12  Committee Meeting - Strategic Assets and Works  Adopted Minutes  
  19  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance  Agenda  
  26  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
 A. Notice of Motion - Multi-Purpose Theatre/Cinema in the Moree Memorial Hall Civic Precinct
 B. Notice of Motion - Progress and Development Committee
 Adopted Minutes  
  26  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services
 Draft Community Participation Plan 2020
 Adopted Minutes  
October 10  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper  Adopted Minutes  
  10  Committee Meeting - Strategic Assets and Works  Adopted Minutes  
  17  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance  Agenda  
  24  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper  Adopted Minutes  
  24  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services  Adopted minutes  
November 14  Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper  Adopted Minutes  
  14  Committee Meeting - Strategic Assets and Works Adopted Minutes  
  21  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance
 Operational Plan 2019 - 2020 Quarter One Report
  28 Ordinary Council Meeting - Public Business Paper
Report 7 Attachment 11 – BBRF Guidelines
Draft Public Minutes 14 November 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting
Adopted Minutes  
  28  Committee Meeting - Community Development and Services
 A. Confidential Late Report - Dilapidated Dwellings - 28 November - Community Development and Services Committee Meeting
Adopted Minutes  
December 12

Council Meeting - Ordinary Council Meeting
Report 1 Attachment 1 - Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program - Grant Opportunity Guidelines

Adopted Minutes  
  12  Committee Meeting - Strategic Asset & Works Committee
 Financial Statement 2019
  19  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance  Draft Minutes
Play audio of Council Meeting