Saturday 27 July from 12-9pm and Sunday 28 July from 11am–5pm. Located on Balo Street, Moree


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Agenda and Minutes 2021

Business Papers and recordings in 2021.

Adopted Minutes
January 28 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  28 Ordinary Council Meeting folder

7a - Moree IWCM Strategy Proposal Final updated program with app - Annex 1
9a - Attachment 12 - BBRF5 Guidelines
9a - Attachment 14 - LRCI2 Guidelines
9a - Attachment 17 - Your High Street - Guidelines (Update) - Dec 2020
Adopted Minutes  ▶️
February 11 Committee Meeting - Strategic Works and Community Development Adopted Minutes  

Ordinary Council Meeting

Report A - A. Late Report - Contribution to Roads of Strategic Importance - Moree Intermodal Infrastructure Suite
Report 4 - Attachment 5 - Section 4.15 Assessment Report

Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  25 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance
Report 1 - Operational Plan Quarter 2 Report
Report 1 - Quarter 2 Quarterly Budget Review Statement
Adopted Minutes  

Ordinary Council Meeting
Report 1 - Operational Plan Quarter 2 Report
Report 1 - Quarter 2 Quarterly Budget Review Statement
Report A - A. Late Report - Confidential MAAC Update

Adopted Minutes  ▶️
March 11

Council Committee Meeting – Strategic Works and Community Development
Economic Development Strategy – Technical Appendices
Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2030

Adopted Minutes  
  11 Ordinary Council Meeting 
Economic Development Strategy – Technical Appendices
Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2030
Late Report - GVIA
 Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  25 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance
(To be rescheduled due to Flood Event on 23-24 March 2021)
  25 Ordinary Council Meeting 
(To be rescheduled due to Flood Event on 23-24 March 2021)
April 08 Council Committee Meeting – Strategic Works and Community Development  Adopted Minutes  
  08 Ordinary Council Meeting
Notice of motion
B. Late Report - Sale of Lot 159 DP748657 Wilga Place Moree
 Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  22 Council Committee Meeting – Finance and Governance  Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  22 Ordinary Council Meeting 
Operational Plan 2020-2021 Q3 Report – 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2021
Adopted Minutes  ▶️
May 13 Council Committee Meeting – Strategic Works and Community Development  Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  13 Ordinary Council Meeting
Quarterly Budget Review Statement 2020-2021 Q3 Report – 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2021
3A - Post exhibition Section 7.11 plan April 2021 MPSC traffic Generating Development
 Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  27 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance    
  27 Ordinary Council Meeting  Adopted Minutes  ▶️
June 17 Extraordinary - Council Committee Meeting – Strategic Works and Community Development  Adopted Minutes  
  17 Ordinary Council Meeting - Extraordinary  Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  24 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance    
  24 Ordinary Council Meeting   Adopted Minutes   ▶️
July 08 Council Committee Meeting – Strategic Works and Community Development  Agenda  
  08 Ordinary Council Meeting   Adopted Minutes    ▶️
  22  Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance  Adopted Minutes   
  22 Council Ordinary Meeting
2021 Moree Levee Feasibility Report
Mungindi Levee Investigation and Design (A4)_ Report Lyall and Associates
Mungindi Levee Investigation and Design (A5)_ Report Lyall and Associates
Late Report- Sale of Lot 1 DP 807499 and Lot 325 DP 751780
 Adopted Minutes   ▶️
July 29  Extraordinary Council Meeting Adopted Minutes ▶️
August 12 Council Committee Meeting – Strategic Works and Community Development  Agenda  
  12 Ordinary Council Meeting  Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  26 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance (COVID lockdown)    
  26 Ordinary Council Meeting (COVID lockdown)    
September 09 Committee Meeting - Strategic Works & Community Development
Moree FMP Recommendations Investigations 
Adopted Minutes  
  09 Council Ordinary Meeting Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  23 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance Adopted Minutes  
  23 Council Ordinary Meeting
Late reports
•Late Report A - Recommendations from the Urban Advisory Committee
•Late Report B - Moree CBD Upgrades for Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant and Your High Street Grants 2021
•Late Report C - Moree Floodplain Risk Management Plan Recommendations Investigation - Second Report to Council
Adopted Minutes  ▶️
October 14 Committee Meeting - Strategic Works & Community Development  Agenda  
  14 Council Ordinary Meeting Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  28 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance Adopted Minutes  
  28 Council Ordinary Meeting
Annual Financial Statements
Moree Plains LHS Evidence Report
Moree Plains Local Housing Strategy
Adopted Minutes   ▶️
November 11 Committee Meeting - Strategic Works & Community Development  CANCELLED  
  11 Council Ordinary Meeting
Notice of Motion - Councillor John Tramby
Adopted Minutes   ▶️
  25 Committee Meeting - Finance and Governance Adopted Minutes  ▶️
  25 Council Ordinary Meeting
State of the Environment Report
Annual Report
End of Term Report
Notice of Motion - Councillor John Tramby
Quarterly reporting - Quarter 1 2021-22
Adopted Minutes  ▶️