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Floodplain Risk Management – Moree and Surrounds

Review – Floodplain Risk Management Plan Recommendations Investigations

Floodplain Risk Management Plan Recommendations Investigations

At its meeting on 9 September 2021, Council resolved to place the final report of the floodplain Risk management Plan Recommendations Investigations 30 July 2021, by Dryside Engineering and Water Modelling solutions.

The Floodplain Risk Management Plan Recommendations Investigations includes input from the Floodplain Risk management Committee and the wider community through various channels including community meetings, surveys, drop-in sessions, and site visits.


Floodplain Risk Management

Under the NSW Government’s Flood Prone Land Policy, councils across NSW are responsible for the management of flood liable land.

We have a responsibility to manage floodplains to ensure that any:

  • The new development will not experience undue flood risk; and
  • Existing development will not be adversely flood-affected through increased damage or hazard as a result of any new development.

We need to have a policy with respect to controlling development on flood-prone land and in doing so, be satisfied that all new development adequately minimises the risk to human life and damage to property, and avoids significant adverse impacts on flood behaviour and the environment. 

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