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Moree Gateway

Moree Gateway - Official Website 

Visit the official Moree Gateway website 



Moree Gateway Energised With Puma Energy Sod Turning

Today, Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries, together with Puma Energy General

Manager, Ray Taylor officiated a sod turning ceremony at the Moree Gateway, celebrating the beginning of development of Puma Energy’s site.

Late last year, Moree Plains Shire Council completed the sale of land at the Moree Gateway to Puma Energy for the development of a combined service station and truck stop, providing a modern purpose-built large scale facility to serve the needs of the interstate trucking community.

a sod turning ceremony at the Moree Gateway, celebrating the beginning of development of Puma Energy’s site.Puma - SOD turning at the Moree GatewayPuma Energy General Manager Ray Taylor said, “We are excited to begin construction on the new Puma Moree Travel Centre, which will provide first-class refuelling and rest facilities to the local community and motorists travelling on the Moree Gateway.

“At Puma, we are committed to supporting the local communities in which we operate, and will be using local contractors, builders and suppliers to bring this project to life.

“Puma Moree is a key part of our national expansion strategy, providing regional communities and Pumacard customers with greater access to high-quality services, competitive discounts and network benefits,” Mr Taylor said.

Mayor Humphries was equally encouraged by the occasion and what it means for Moree, “The sod turning ceremony signals a very exciting time for the Shire, Council and Puma because it marks the first steps of construction at the site,” she said.

“It will be great for everyone to see construction works at Puma’s site kick off, particularly with the involvement of local contractors and suppliers. I am absolutely over the moon to be making this announcement!”

Mayor Humphries added, “This Council is serious about attracting new business to our Shire and stimulating our economy – the decision to develop the Moree Gateway site goes a long way in showcasing Council’s commitment. This project shows we are fair dinkum about the long-term sustainability of our Shire.

She added, “I have no doubt that the leadership shown in undertaking this project contributed to our Council being deemed “Fit” the NSW Government’s local government reform process and avoiding amalgamation.”

The Moree Gateway is an initiative of Council designed to stimulate economic growth, create new jobs and ensure the future prosperity of the Moree Plains Shire. It supports the Council’s vision for the Shire in strategically positioning itself as a regional transport centre.




Gateway Sale to Puma Energy Finalised

Moree Plains Shire Council has completed the sale of land at the Moree Gateway to Puma Energy. The land will be developed into a combined service station and truck stop at the Moree Gateway, providing a modern purpose-built large scale facility to serve the needs of the interstate trucking community.

The sale was finalised late last week after all conditions of sale (including approval of Puma Energy’s development approval) were fulfilled.

Mayor, Councillor Katrina Humphries said, “I am absolutely over the moon to be making this announcement. I welcome Puma Energy as a landholder at the Moree Gateway and look forward to seeing construction start on the site shortly.

Mayor Humphries added, “This Council is serious about attracting new business to our Shire and stimulating our economy – the decision to develop the Moree Gateway site goes a long way in showcasing Council’s commitment. This project shows we are fair dinkum about the long-term sustainability of our Shire and I have no doubt that the leadership shown in undertaking this project contributed to our Council being deemed “Fit” the NSW Government’s local government reform process.”

Council’s General Manager, Mr Lester Rodgers was equally delighted. “Completion of this sale is a major milestone for this project. This investment is a great endorsement of Council’s vision to proceed with the Moree Gateway.

“Council is very pleased with the price achieved for this sale and we look forward to securing further sales at this level,”said Mr Rodgers.

The Moree Gateway is an initiative of Council designed to stimulate economic growth, create new jobs and ensure the future prosperity of the Moree Plains Shire. It supports the Council’s vision for the Shire in strategically positioning itself as a regional transport centre.




Moree Gateway Officially Opened


Unveiling Plaque: Northern Tablelands Mr Adam Marshall MP, Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries, Council’s General Manager Mr Lester Rodgers and P+i Project Manager for the Gateway Project Grant HurstThe Moree Gateway was officially opened at a ceremony on Saturday 20 June 2015 by Member for Northern Tablelands Mr Adam Marshall MP, Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries and Council’s General Manager Mr Lester Rodgers.

Mr Rodgers spoke of the genesis of the project and the significance of the development to the Moree Plains Shire.

“We are immensely proud of this development, both in the opportunities that it presents but also the foresight of our Council to recognise the importance of investing in the infrastructure of the town to enable, and indeed encourage, the growth of our Shire.”

Earlier this year, Council signed the Gateway’s first commercial development with Puma Energy, Australia’s largest independent fuel operator, to build a service station and truck stop at the corner of Newell Highway and Blueberry Road to cater for motor vehicles, transport trucks, recreational vehicles and caravans.

Harry Sullivan Avenue: Son, Tony Sullivan unveiled his father’s street name surrounded by Carmel, Therese and ArkieDuring the ceremony, the memories of outstanding members of the community were honoured with official street names being unveiled being Harry Sullivan Avenue, Carmine Munro Avenue, Perry James Crescent (located within the Moree Gateway) and Des Young Drive (off Blueberry Road). All four individuals made substantial contributions to Moree and their families proudly assisted in unveiling their street sign.

Des Young Drive:  Daughter Linda Burke and her family view the proceedings

The ceremony also included the unveiling an acknowledgement from the Moree Community Airline Group (MCAG), proudly sponsored by Rabo Bank, thanking the Moree community for their efforts in re-establishing a reliable airline service in an artwork titled “Bring back Qantas”. The artwork – three framed newspaper articles detailing MCAG’s efforts will hang in the passenger terminal at the Moree Regional Airport. Carmine Munro Avenue: Proudly Carmine’s husband Lylie Munro Senior and extended family celebrated the street name

MCAG artwork:  Unveiled by Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries and Josh Cannington

First Development of the Moree Gateway is Endorsed

Moree Plains Shire Council’s General Manager David Aber announced that at yesterday’s Council meeting the first contract of sale for the proposed Lot 1 of the Moree Gateway subdivision was endorsed.

Moree Gateway Infrastructure Development“Council’s endorsement is an important milestone for the Moree Gateway project and we can now proceed to finalise the sale,” said Mr Aber.

Mr Aber added he was very pleased with the progress being made on the Moree Gateway project and that more details on the purchaser would be released once the contracts had been exchanged.

There has been growing interest from potential investors as Stage 1 of the Moree Gateway nears completion. Looking forward to additional developments, Mr Aber commented “previously it was difficult for interested parties to understand the enormity of change taking place at the Moree Gateway, but now they can see it.”

“Interested parties can now select where they want to be positioned, particularly as the site has a major focus on the transport industry with the potential for a new transport hub for the region,” said Mr Aber.

The Moree Gateway will cater for a number of uses including fuel and truck stop; service and commercial industries; agricultural, can and vehicle dealerships; accommodation and food; bulky goods, light industrial and tourism facilities.

The Moree Gateway development is designed to stimulate economic growth, create new jobs and ensure the future prosperity of the Moree Plains Shire by providing an iconic southern entry point to Moree, is due to be completed in early 2015.



First Development Secured for Moree Gateway

Moree Plains Shire Council has secured its first development for the Moree Gateway after signing a contract with Puma Energy for a prime site at the corner of the Newell Highway and Blueberry Road.

Puma Energy, Australia’s largest independent fuel operator, will build a service station and truck stop on the three hectare site to cater for motor vehicles, transport trucks, recreational vehicles and caravans.

Council’s Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries said the deal would pave the way for other commercial interests at the Moree Gateway and the Shire.

“This decision is a great endorsement of Council’s vision to proceed with the Moree Gateway and we anticipate more investor announcements in the near future,” said the Mayor.

“Puma Energy has the expertise and technical and resource strength to deliver the development and provide outstanding amenities for motorists, truck drivers, tourists and visitors alike,” said the Mayor.

The signing highlights Moree Plains Shire as an integral regional centre and growing regional transport hub, given its strategic location and importance in Australia’s agricultural sector.

The opening of the new development is slated to be co-ordinated with completion of the Moree Bypass in early 2016.

The Moree Gateway development is designed to stimulate economic growth, create new jobs and ensure the future prosperity of the Moree Plains Shire.



Moree Gateway Precinct Landscaping


Landscapers have recently laid turf along the outer perimeters of the Moree Gateway precinct. The turf will be watered via a water truck initially, to soak the cultivated layer of top soil the turf is laid on. A watering system has been installed and is in use to assist the root system to bind with the soil.

Watering of the outer perimeters Watering of the outer perimeters Watering of the outer perimeters

Traffic disruptions at the Gateway Development

Motorists can expect disruptions over the next few weeks at the Moree Gateway development, due to construction works on the Newell Highway, Blueberry Road and at the Moree Regional Airport.

  • Machines on the move at the Moree Gateway
  • Road traffic on the Newell Highway adjacent to the Moree Gateway may be reduced to one land and 40km/h during daylight hours as road works are carried out to connect the development to the Highway.
  • Blueberry Road traffic will be reduced to one lane while works are carried out to connect the development’s stormwater system to the Western Drainage Channel. There may be short delays travelling along Blueberry Road.
  • A number of trees along the western side of the Newell Highway will be removed to allow for works to connect to the development, provide a clear line of sight for traffic exiting from the development, eliminate disease affected trees and improve road safety.

A comprehensive landscaping program, including trees will be carried out on the Moree Gateway development and along the Newell Highway once the development's basic infrastructure has been constructed. Roadworks are being carried out at the Moree Regional Airport to upgrade the roads and services.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your understanding as we improve opportunities for Moree.



Gateway Infrastructure Contract and Finance Approved


Moree Plains Shire Council has awarded the construction contract for the Moree Gateway infrastructure, which includes roads and services, to Robson Civil Projects and has determined that funding for the project will be financed through the Commonwealth Bank.

>These decisions were made unanimously at an extraordinary meeting of Council on 21 November 2013.

Robson Civil had previously been announced as the preferred contractor for the Gateway infrastructure works.

Moree Plains Shire Council General Manager David Aber said that Robson had the expertise, and the technical and resource strength to deliver the outcomes required.

>“Robson has been operating in the construction industry for more than 50 years and they have an excellent track record in delivering infrastructure works of a similar scale and complexity,” he said.

span style="letter-spacing: -0.2pt;">Mr Aber said that while Robson Civil Projects will be the major contractor, subcontracting work will flow through to local contractors.

>“There will be plenty of work for locals; that’s what the Gateway Project is all about,” he said.

Commenting on the decision to work with the Commonwealth Bank, Mr Aber said that the Commonwealth had performed strongly on the basis of a competitive expression of interest process.

The interest rates offered by the Commonwealth are highly competitive, which means that the Gateway Project will have no financial impact on the general public,” he said.

Rates will not need to be increased in order to fund the Gateway.”

The recent announcement that the second stage of the Moree Bypass is to go ahead and news that works could commence as early as May 2014 gives added impetus to the Gateway Project.

Located as it is on the Newell Highway at the southern entrance to Moree, the Gateway is uniquely placed to benefit from the Bypass completion,” Mr Aber said.

A number of businesses who have expressed strong interest in the Gateway have just been waiting for this announcement before making a final commitment; the timing is exceptional.”

Moree Plains Shire Council has embarked on the Gateway project in order to deliver a number of benefits to Moree and the Shire, with the key benefits being stimulation of economic activity and creation of short- and long-term employment.

The Gateway, which will be an iconic new entry point into Moree and the Shire, is also intended to open up strategic commercial and light industrial land – which is otherwise in short supply – and deliver additional complimentary services to Moree by redirecting travel and expenditure into the town centre.

Work on the Gateway infrastructure works will now commence early in the New Year; the first developments sponsored by private developers will soon follow.

Moree Gateway Project - Part Two 


Moree Plains Shire Council has released its second video on the Moree Gateway Project to keep the community informed about the commercial development at the southern entry point to Moree.

Episode two of the Gateway series details Council’s financial commitment to the project, the types of industry attracted to the location and the relationship between the CBD and the Gateway.

Council’s General Manager David Aber said both episodes of the Gateway videos answer a number of questions that members of the public and investors are wanting to know.

“We are using the video series to demonstrate to the public that the Gateway project opens up new opportunities for local businesses wishing to expand, for new businesses to come to Moree and the creation of employment”.

“The Gateway project is one of the largest developments undertaken by the Council and it is important that we continue to inform the community throughout the duration of the Project,” he said.

See the introduction to Moree Gateway Project video

Moree Gateway Project - Part One


Moree Plains Shire Council has released its introductory video on the Moree Gateway Project to keep the community informed about the commercial development at the southern entry point to Moree.

In the video, Council’s General Manager David Aber and Projects+Infrastructure Development Manager Grant Hirst answer a number of questions about what the Gateway Project is, who is involved and how the project is expected to generate economic activity and create jobs in Moree Plains.

Mayor Humphries said that “Council is committed to informing the community about the Moree Gateway Project and the video is an additional method we have used to let the public know about this exciting project”.

“The Moree Gateway demonstrates Council’s commitment to support developments that stimulate economic growth, new jobs and ongoing prosperity for our Shire,” said Mayor Humphries.
